There has been rapid progress over the last few weeks for
Alpha release updates
Monday 5th December we started our closed Alpha release (invitation-only).
150 steemians were invited to test our under-construction platform. We’re getting a lot of valuable feedbacks and many words of encouragement and support. Thank you so much! It gives the Busy team force and motivation to achieve our goals.
For the past two weeks, our developers worked full time and had made more than 300 commits on Github for the incoming Beta release.
We decided to deploy several fixes and new features directly on the Alpha so selected testers could directly try these enhancements.
We are adding new users on a weekly basis. If you want to join the Alpha and the Beta test release, please register with your email on, join #busy on and PM @ekitcho. The platform will open for everyone to test from 1st February 2017.
New features & bug fixes
Several features were implemented the last few days.
Donor badge
Last week we announced an introduction to our Donation Terms and had a nice response from the community. We decided to implement the Busy Donor badge on Profile, and Donor list.
Improved Markdown rendering and post style display
We did some improvement on content style display and markdown rendering, image, text style, bold, italic, table, links, mentions, etc.
You can now add, and quick access your favorite posts in Bookmark
Favorite Tags (category) and Users
Star tags and users to have quick access to your favorite ones
New Editor
We added a new Editor. Medium-style with direct style options on text selection and in-post direct image upload
New Wallet design with Transfers
We added some design and layout to display wallet and transfers.
- Like (upvote) everywhere possible
- Dislike on Post
- Comment on nested comments
- Fix on SoundClound, Periscope, Twitch embed
Road to the Beta
With almost 40 days until our public Beta release, the Busy team will work hard to achieve our first goal and do our best to prove the ability to deliver high quality and concrete product meeting announced deadlines.
Our roadmap for the 1st February 2017 includes:
- Draft with autosave post and draft manager
- Improved Editor
- Different post display Layouts: now we only have Feed Layout, but are working on List (like steemit) and Grid (pinterest masonry grid style) for improved UI and user experience
- Improved global UI/UX (User profile infobulle on mouse over username, etc.)
- Improved navigation between articles
- Notifications
- Private messaging + Tags/Categories channel chat
- Internationalization
What’s next?
This is only the first step of the Busy project.
Our goal is to prove that we have the appropriate, qualified resources and vision to bring new value-adding, with the strength and responsiveness that our ecosystem needs to succeed.
Busy is still discussing different possibilities to get the required funding. It will allow us to work on our 2017 Roadmap and complete platform.
After the Beta release (assuming that adequate funding will be available at next stage), our plan is to work on
- Busy Marketplace for product and services as a platform
- Design enhancements
- Playful Onboarding process of new users / Improved Sign up
- Busy marketing strategy to bring new users on the Steem blockchain (make Steem more user-friendly, easy to understand and adopt via Busy, aim mainstream adoption, friend invitation, work on user retention, etc.)
- Make SteemJS and SteemConnect official with the help of the community and Steemit inc, Steem core team
All rewards from the account and donations will be used to fund our projects
They are our heroes : thank you for your support !
@steemit, @smooth, @cass, @bhuz, @liondani, @donkeypong, @furion, @steemship, @pfunk, @deanliu, @theprophet0, @teamsteem, @fulltimegeek, @shortcut, @hql2016, @hanshotfirst, @exyle, @anotherjoe, @tanemahuta, @flyingmind, @sweetsssj
Congratulations! Your post has been chosen by the communities of SteemTrail as one of our top picks today.
Also, as a selection for being a top pick today, you have been awarded a TRAIL token for your participation on our innovative platform...STEEM.
Please visit SteemTrail to get instructions on how to claim your TRAIL token today.
If you wish to learn more about receiving additional TRAIL tokens and SteemTrail, stop by and chat with us.
Happy TRAIL!

Getting busy busy. Keep the progress going!!
Awesome progress guys, love your work! Being able to favourite tags and users is really handy :) [sent via busy]
Great to hear, everyone keep up the great work, look forward to more of
Also shared on twitter
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Things are looking better and better with more features introduced. I am amazed at how fast these are being introduced.
I missed out on the alpha release (till now). Hopefully I get an invite before February :)
Excellent job! I will also donate some SBD soon.
Awesome work!
This looks great so far!
I will only say a single word: excellent! :)
looks great :)
It looks beautiful! Very excited for
YOu guys are awesome!
Really nice work everyone. Keep at it and merry xmas!
Favourite tags! Steemit devs, take note!
I want in!!!
Good job!
Thanks for all your hard work!
great work
Thank you all so much for doing this!
Keep it up!
good job!
Wow, that's awesome I'm crazy to test it. Love the new features mostly the editor one.
Great update and thanks for getting me into the first release, I was on it a couple nights this playing around as a noob lol.
Looks amazing keep up the awesome work, contacting you guys now on steemit chat!
it's looks like a good & promising project!
good luck with the final release looking forward to be in
Congratulations to, that's a brilliant idea and concept, all in one under the same roof !! Long life to