We The People - A Pre-Election Freewrite.

in #busy6 years ago


It's a known fact that many of our leaders are power hungry, they don't hide this strong emotions too, in any place they could show it, it's oozes out in full. Even if there is a place they could hide it, there pride and hunger for power will betray them.

For all I know, this people ain't ready to let go of this power. They want it at all cost, at the detriment of others too, they don't care. They don't care about we the masses who lives in abject poverty due to there negligence and non-provision of the basic amenities we are suppose to have to make our lives better. All they want for themselves is the power. The money too. That isn't all, there hunger to have this power sometimes drives many of them crazy atimes, I mean way beyond the natural, some have bowed down to what shouldn't be because they want this power and the consequences can't be heard among men. Some committing some sacrilegious things all in a bid to get to the top. The well know fact is, when they get to this position the masses tends forget easily how they got there.

The most frequent these days is the ritual killings going on here and there. They've taken to some high end diabolical means to make sure power retains in them.

"Tell me what I can do for you" there famous reply when been approached, makes them looks like the most humble, down to earth politician. It's all a facade, deep down the seat lies some horror greater then the movie Saw and Final Destination combined. And they won't stop.

My country's election is around the corner, one month to today we would have known who is in power, but now, different things are happening kidnappings are going on at a spree like no one cares. Disappearing here and there. Non stop body mutilations and the likes.

When the victory comes, let us not forget how they got there, when the victory comes let us not rejoice too much. Let us have a rethink and possibly probe into how they got there. It's very important.

And for us who hasn't left the country despite the so many depression and oppression from all places, terrorism in the north, kidnappings in the east and west ritual killings. I plead God's protection and guidance on us all. Is not easy to come from this country.

My entry into @mariannewest every day #freewrite #weekendfreewrite


Powerful writing. And so true. Resteemed!



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May the ink of your pan never break Down. Even an unborn baby knows the truth. Nice one.