Legal experts are fun, they always manage to interpret whatever they want to be true, even while telling you what they want to be true is false.
Ponzi schemes and pyramid schemes are similar but different. Pyramid schemes directly rely on new investors to supply the return to earlier investors. The ponzi scheme is more about using esoteric "investments" (like investing in steam power, investing in building a witness node as an "independent representative", investing via software development to draw in new investors).
So, the "offsetting costs" is to get new "investors" to absorb those costs under the promise that there are rewards under the success of the platform.
Anyway, this attempt is just going to start the death spiral of the platform, since the measures to offset costs are really only a stop gap measure when the solution requires increasing the value of steem coins, but that can't happen in that current environment and the things that would are going to wind up increasing the costs making the platform even less viable.
Funny, eh ? Poor planning got steemit in a situation where the cure is the poison.