Hey Dave. Many of your expressed thoughts are valid. Not getting into the nitty gritty since you've already covered it. Let's hope for a good season and many more to come.
I too have seen a decrease in alpha/beta value. I'm starting to see a trend where it's just best to sell any new cards now while the value is high because from how it's been, hodling the cards with the mindset that it might go up in value hasn't been good. The KS cards for instance, shin lo sold for $300 at first release for the standard. Now, it can be bought for $100 or less. Same applies to every card out there. There are just too many to make any of cards "more" valuable than another.
you are welcome to get into the nitty gritty if you like... I am open to other opinions for sure... and while that is a good observation about the prices at this time, my belief is it will be different at some point in the future when the game takes off... While i have been hard on them on the overproduction (because I think its a big issue), I do realize that they are having to not only develop the game but also supply it at the same time... It is a learning process and my guess is they get better as they learn their base of customers/investors. So yes that is a true lesson to be gleened right now, I'm keeping mine in hopes that they figure it out as time goes (these guys are both very intelligent) ;)
You've already touched upon the nitty gritty which I do concur (plus lazy to comment about much else). I've been keeping most everything, lol. Didn't realize I was a hoarder until now.I did level up the bulk of my alpha so I can have fun playing the game...unlike someone I know...
Definitely agree on the intellect!
welcome to the hoarder club! :P