This isn't about hating on steemit, this is about removing the stake that was ninja mined and which dominates the witnesses votes and seeing how the community would move forward without those things. Frankly numerous top witnesses and large stakeholders have voiced one thing, to the point that it has largely been dropped since there was never, ever, one single response or excuse for non response from both the developers (sneak) and Ned. More hardforks with fewer changes and with no multiple changes to any one mechanism / mechanic. Most have given up on asking for experiments, and we have put up with one hardfork every two years, and at the current rate we will be heading to 1 every 3 years. This is tantamount to digging one's heels in the ground and refusing to assess the state of the economy and community and they, both the development and Steemit ought to not only assess but actually be the ones pushing for hardforks, for fundamental changes to try and tweak and find the best balance in all the different areas. This has been nonexistent. It began with the giant fuck you fork 17-17.5-18-18.5 or whatever it was that prompted the Whale experiment, and it continued for 2+ years, culminating in the second giant fuck you fork.
The problem is as it's been ever since Dan left, that steemit did not hear or care about the shareholders, the witnesses or the community in general, and it has not changed. Development has absolutely nothing to do with changing things like reward curve and other such things, absolutely nothing. We never needed linear rewards, in fact because the most demanded thing before hf fuck you 17, was never even acknowledged by steemit, the Whale experiment addressed it in such a spectacularly successful way that months later when linear was finally put through, even though it was not more than a couple of lines of code, nobody even cared, nobody gave a fuck about the the fuck you forks, but lo and behold that was exactly what gave bidbots their beginning, and Steemit did nothing about it and in fact encouraged and delegated to the problem. With such fuckery. Such faggotry, such belligerent disrespectful no response to what the community was asking, why the fuck are we still defending them, making up excuses and avoiding the fact that they have acted with complete disregard to stakeholders and witnesses alike? Just cut the fucking head off and let's do our own experiment without the disgusting heel diggers that ruined the Whale Experiment, demonstrated again and again that they do not care for more frequent hardforks with fewer changes and no multiple changes to the same thing, because in 2 years of Ned we still have absolutely no idea how any mechanic works in aligning incentives, it's been 2 years of drifting in the dark, zero experiments, zero experience gained.