Banana candy

in #busy7 years ago



3 cups thin flour
Oil Cup
The butter is yellow
2 large lumps of sugar coli
Two tons of ground almonds
Sugar Cup
Small hanging of the Banan flavor
Orange blossom water
3 white eggs
Color Yellow
Small cup lemon juice
Text of the water cup of dice
Sugar Alclassi
Black mix

how to prepare

The dough was mixed with sugar, flour and oil. It was combined with the water of the dice. It cut and cut the circles. Mix the ingredients of the filling and take a small amount as in the picture and put it in the middle of the circle and wrap it and try to form it in the shape of a banana and of course we enter the blocks for the oven and we go to the casserole after wiping the kalajaj nadiru.

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dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing

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x. Praesent eu varius enim. Curabitur sed mi ut lacus gravida consectetur quis

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it amet. Cras vel luctus nisi. Suspendisse sed sollicitudin ex. Pr

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arcu condimentum, at tri

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tur adipiscing elit. Quisque nunc t

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pendisse sed sollicitudin ex. Praesent eu varius enim. Cur

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tis imperdiet. Maecenas eget urna fringilla lacus lacinia rhoncus. Pellen

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citudin ex. Praesent eu varius enim. Curabitur sed mi ut lacus gravida consectetur quis

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t eu varius enim. Curabitur sed mi ut lacus gravida

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nd ultricies. Nam sed dignissim tellus. Praesent sed ante eget ligula sagittis imperdiet. Mae

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is hendrerit tortor. Nam condimentum mi eget erat porta, ut condimentum turpis bl

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Maecenas eget urna fringilla lacus lacinia rhoncus. Pel

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ortor, iaculis eget dapibus et, molestie sed nulla. Suspendisse convallis hendrerit tortor. Nam condiment

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ssim tellus. Praesent sed ante eget ligula sagittis imperdiet. Maecen

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llis hendrerit tortor. Nam condimentum

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iaculis eget dapibus et, molestie sed nulla. Suspendisse convallis hendrerit tortor. Nam condimen

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licitudin ex. Praesen

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e luctus mauris sed accumsan sollicitudin. Duis fringilla eros eget arcu condimentum, at

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ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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nisi. Suspendisse sed sollicitudin ex. Praesent eu varius enim. Curabitur sed mi ut lacus gravida consectet

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nd ultricies. Nam sed dignissim tellus. Praesent sed ante eget ligula sagittis imperdiet. Mae

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tudin. Duis fringilla eros eget arcu condimentum, at tristique sapien fauci

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lus. Praesent sed ante eget ligula sagittis imperdiet. Maecenas eget urna fringilla lacus lacinia rhoncus

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aculis eget dapibus et, molestie sed nulla. Suspendisse convallis hendrerit tortor. Nam condimen

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tristique sapien faucibus. Proin vulp

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uis fringilla eros eget arcu condimentum, at tristiq

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g elit. Quisque nunc tortor, iaculis eg

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t tristique sapien faucibus. Proin vulputate dapibus ipsum, eg

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raesent sed ante eget ligula sagittis imperdiet. Maecenas eget urna fringilla lacus lacinia rhoncus. Pellentesque luc

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leifend ultricies. Nam sed dignissim tellus. Praesent sed ante eget ligula sagittis

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nsectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nunc tortor, iaculis eget dapibus et, molestie sed nulla. Su

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stie sed nulla. Suspendisse convallis h

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ulla. Suspendisse convalli

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urabitur sed mi ut lacus gravida consectetur quis sit amet erat. Etiam sed dolor mollis, facilisis lore

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Pellentesque luctus mauris sed accumsan sollicitudin. Duis fringilla eros eget arcu condimentum, at t

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m dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nunc tortor, iaculis eget dapibus et, molestie sed nulla. S

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d accumsan sollicitudin. Duis fringilla eros eget arcu condimentum, at tr

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