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RE: Holy Crap! What's Causing the Massive Sell-Off in Crypto?

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Have you checked the stock market? BTC often follows the same trends. This may also be compounded with fork FUD.

But that's not important at this point. What's important is a certain user boosting unexceptional content to an exceptional degree. That user is you, @adonisabril.

Exhibit A

In the anti-abuse, we call that bid bot abuse and that is precisely why you are being flagged. There are far more worthy posts in the respective tags. I also noticed you are powering down so I am skeptical that you have a care about this platform. I will be auditing your blog now. I hope what you have done here is a one-off incident because, if I find more, I will coordinate campaigns for reward removal and the blacklisting of your account.

This post offers hardly any value or insight. You should be more careful about what you promote in the future.



Boosting to an exceptional degree? are you kidding? Are you looking at what's boosted to $400-$500 on trending? And I power down without putting said money out to the exchange. IT's being spent "boosting" posts. Why don't you do your research before jumping to conclusions? Are are you such an idiot that you can't?

Have you seen 2K-3K word posts I post and gathering only responses like "great!" "Cool!" etc. I post this "unexceptional content" and it has a myriad of real responses that have more words than what I actually posted. i.e., ENGAGEMENT! Way more engagement than so-called "exceptional" content. Judgemental morons like you need to open your eyes.


Sometimes the $400-500 makes it under the radar of those willing to moderate content around here.

That or people are scared of the bad whales and will do nothing. We know sometimes whales are prone to retaliate versus accepting criticism like an adult.

I'm working on a technical solution for that. Because bad whales behavior can be cancerous and should be addressed. It may or may not work but hell if I'm not gonna try.

I think there are certain patterns we all, irrespective of stake, should observe if we are at all concerned with collective success.

One of those is being mindful to not boost mediocre posts to Trending as often that is one of the first places new users will see and we don't want to show our ass. Do we???

Posted using Partiko Android

Why don't you address their(whales) circle jerking or are you not aware that's a far more toxic behavior than bot use.

Paying a bully to take rewards for you is unlikely to win many friends here, and the ones it does bring will desert you when your chips are gone.

Join us and earn that 73 reputation you paid for.
@steemflagrewards bid bot abuse

P.S. Why don't you blacklist yourself for trying to "censor" a platform that isn't supposed to be censored? You're doing this platform more harm than good.

Oh... You're another "flags are censorship" people. Do you think words are violence, too?

Bottom line, you got caught up and called out for boosting a shitpost. That's all there is to it.

Just own up to what you are doing and stop trying to justify it. You have zero ground to stand on. What you did was fucked. Period.

If I was taking you to court for shitpost boosting, do you think we would lack evidence? Just scroll up.

You really want to keep arguing about it or do you think it would be better for you to save face and admit your wrong doing?

This is not about censorship. It's more about addressing people using bots to boost low effort user contributions.

This also compromises people actually willing to bust their ass to produce exceptional content without giving up their hard earned liquid Steem / SBD to bot owners.

Not cool, dude. Anyway, you spin it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Then address bots. Go after their owners. Back up your words and your resolve. Own up.

And really. Who are you to judge content? How do you measure what's good? Length of words? Pretty pics? Or did you forget engagement?

I wonder what's all your motivation behind all this...oh I get it. You want to be on the Trending page without the use of bots. Well buddy, you me and the rest of what's left in this world. How do you do that hmm? Exceptional content?

Just hodl guys! also check this article out along with sphtx you will see more good alts to hodl.