
Ok.. Mohon maaf bila ada salah penulisan, maksud anda?

Sebaiknya dicantumkan referensinya bu @hilmicorel

Posted using Partiko Android

Ooo.. Source atau daftar pustaka, ok !!!!

benar bu. agar artikel ini berkualitas

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks ... it looks like you have thighs with my post, I can guess that you are a radiographer. At least you graduate from D4-Radiology. I appreciate you. Help me if it's wrong, ok thanks ...@anroja.

You're welcome. Do you have a radiographic background too?

Posted using Partiko Android

Ohh ... no, there's no sir, I'm just an ordinary teacher, I still lack knowledge of radiology, sir. So, in the future the guidance so that I will be better.