Thoughts from a van | The road to the Mexico vs Brazil match

in #busy7 years ago (edited)

450 USD for the cheapest Mexico vs Brazil match ticket - sold in the illegal market, there were no available tickets in the FIFA ticket center. 150 dollars for a plane ticket from Moscow to Samara, Russia where the game will be held on June 2 at 18:00, local time. No hostels available so getting an Airbnb was the only option; 40 usd a night for that. Food, beer money and cigarette budget - remember I'm smoking again for a long as the world cup goes on - had to be around 50 usd.

Roughly 800 dollars to support my team on what will be the most important game in the last 4 years.

Of course, it was impossible for me to attend. That's like my full budget for the past 15 days.

I was already resigned to watch the game in the fan fest or in the Mexican pavilion where I'm sure there would be a lot of Mexicans and the best vibe possible.

But, as it turns out, like most of my good anecdotes and because I'm probably the most low budgety dude you'll ever meet, combined with a full bucket of luck I carry with me all the time, I'm spending 1/5 of that budget.

I was sad, lonely and regretful, drinking a beer watching the France vs Argentina match (oh yeah France, nice ass kicking) when I got a text from a friend I met when I was in Rostov-On-Don, Russia a few days ago: “Mate, there are not many Mexicans going to the match in Samara, we need all the support we can get in the stadium, so the Mexican Football Federation is selling tickets at FIFA price right now in Moscow, go to the St Regis hotel before they sell them all out!”

Oh man. Oh boy. Just exactly what I needed. Paying 115 usd instead of 450! What?!?

Damn. But I didn't have cash. I had on me around 40 bucks and no money in my bank account and I was looking to make them last for a few days - remember I was already resigned to watch the game on TV.

Double Damn. The steem price is at its lowest since December, I don't really want to sell right now. I know that in 3 months those coins are going to be worth ten times what they are worth right now. I need to HODL.

On the other hand, how many times in their life can someone have the chance of watching their national team beat Brazil in a world cup?

I'll give you a quick answer: Just once IN YOUR WHOLE LIFE if you are lucky.

So the hell with it, I decided to sell some Steem against my will. I used localbitcoins to cash out and I arrived to the hotel at 10 pm. These dudes mentioned they would be selling the tickets until midnight, so I had plenty of time.

But I didn't consider that I needed a Mexican partner to deposit Pesos to my Mexican account so I could withdraw Rubles in Russia. But it's Saturday in Mexico, how could I forget that? It would take some time for the partner to be able to transfer me the money.

It was already 00:30 and I hadn't received the money. I was bummed and disappointed, borderline suicidal (I'm being parabolic to dramatize) because the freaking Mexican ways didn't allow me to get my ticket.

But as it turns out, one of the girls selling the tickets in the lobby saw me the whole time staring at my cellphone screen looking more worried than a Brazilian when they found out they are up against the powerful mexico, so she told me while she was closing down the little made up store in the middle of the hotel lobby, “hey, are you certain you'll get the money? If it's so, I'll save you the ticket, just come tomorrow at 10 am sharp and I'll give it to you”.

Oh yassss, it was working out! How the hell did this happen?

Anyway, I took the metro back home and went to bed early, woke up at 7 am to work in a video I have prepared for you and then went straight to the hotel. She was waiting for me, but I didn't have the money yet, so I went to the ATM inside the hotel and asked to withdraw the usd.

No balance available.

What? No no no, this can't be, come on!! This had to be a mistake, so I went out (while the girl looked pissed at me for this whole situation) and I found another atm that was giving out Rubles and not dollars and checked my balance. The money was there but I couldn't get it. I couldn't get Rubles because the Mexican federation only takes dollars or euros and I also couldn't get dollars in the hotel's atm for reasons unknown.

What am I going to do?

Oh damn. Eric you are an idiot. Yesterday everybody was getting dollars from the hotel's atm to pay for the tickets, perhaps the zero balance was meant for the USD inside the atm and not about your account. After all you are using the Google translated feature that translates images and the translation may not have been as accurate as you expected.

I went back to the hotel and asked for euros in the atm. Of course no one asked for euros, Mexicans are not used to the currency and if the Mexican federation gave the option of paying with dollars and euros, Mexicans obviously prefer doing it with dollars.

Ahhh. I got the tickets. I can breathe easily now. I think this was the most stressed I've been in the past 2 years. I really wanted to attend the game, it was already in my mind. I mean, it was meant to be right? It all came down perfectly, being in Moscow, my friend knowing a guy in the federation, me having some Steem in my wallet, Mexico qualifying. Yeah, it was meant to be.

Oh, but now I need to figure out how the hell I'm going to cover the 1,035 kilometers from Moscow to Samara.

I knew for a fact there weren't any trains available because everyone on Facebook (yeah, I'm using the blue social media, sorry, it's just while the world cup goes on) was saying it. But I needed to know for a fact so I went to the train station.

I've been in Moscow for more than two weeks, I'm already an expert in using the metro network, I dont even need the app anymore.

Anyway, I arrived to the train station and it was true. No train tickets available, not the free ones - ticket holders have free Transportation between venues - not the paying ones. Flying was out of the question because of the price. I had tickets for the match but I was stuck I Moscow.

What the hell Eric? Are you a newbie traveler? Are you just going to give up?

Hell no. There is a whole Facebook group with more than 12,000 Mexicans dedicated to unite us in russia. I saw there was a guy yesterday who rented a van with 19 more people he met through the group and they paid a decent amount of cash to a guy to take them to Samara.

I contacted the guy and did the same, organized a van transportation from Moscow to Samara. I said to myself “I can't be the only one in this position, there's got to be more losers like me stuck in Moscow with tickets”.

Oh yeah, I was correct.

So here I am, 4 hours into the van Odyssey and 10 more hours to go. I'm not spending in hostels because im driving all night and I'm returning to Moscow the next night, so that's two nights of not spending in accomodation while spending little money in transportation.

I know for a fact we are going to be less Mexicans than Brazilians in the stadium. A great percentage of the Mexican army already went back home…

I guess we'll have to shout louder than the Brazilians so the Mexican team knows we are there, supporting them no matter what, doing all sorts of crazy stuff just to be able to watch them beat Brazil.

I guess we'll have to shout as loud as we can to silence the Brazilians...


Could you maybe get yourself a silly big Mexican hat or something and get yourself on global TV whilst you're there? Enjoy the game!

Oh wait for my next post, you'll be amazed of the accuracy of your statement here...

OMG! Did I just hit the nail on the head? Hey everyone, glue yourself to the TV today!!!!

Wow!!!! Como todo aventurero que pasa y sufre calamidades, no se como se le dice por alla pero aqui le decimos mochilero jejeje...
De verdad que lastima que México perdió se siente muy triste , mi equipo perdió el sábado y hasta me puse a llorar. Espero la sigas pasando super.

Holy Shit! What an adventure. You are die hard and dedicated my friend. I found myself wanted to know what happened next on this insane story. Lol.

Oh also...I’m Brazilian....

Good luck! Lol

¡Súper historia! Con intriga, estrés, futbol... la selección mexicana, los caminos de Rusia, Facebook.
Que bueno que no te das por vencido, como bien dijiste es una experiencia única en la vida, y vaya que sí.
Te mando un abrazo, un poquito de envidia (de la buena, no te preocupes ;p) y la mejor de las vibras para que sigas escribiendo las experiencias

I must admit that you were very lucky to reduce expenses and find a way to buy tickets for the game, clearly you had to make a sacrifice but even I would, not every day you can see your selection approaching more to the final of the World Cup! I hope you have a great :D

¡¡¡A apoyar y a gritar con todoi estimado!!!

Espero que el resultado nos favorezca al final y todo ese esfuerzo que haz puesto valga aun más la pena.

Un saludo y que haya mucha suerte en unas horas.

Oh, this particular journey can become an movie and title can be as, Journey To The Stadium. And literally this particular phase was roller-coaster and everything looked shut down but with one or other way options were opened up.

Mexicans can be less but less is more when it's come to enthusiasm so cheer hard and your team will know that our people are there to back us and for sure game will be interested and everyone will enjoy it.

And selling of Steem was the real decision because our mind says to HODL but heart of Mexican real supporter says once in a four years chance, and for sure heart wins and you sold the Steem for the ticket.

Thanks for sharing this roller coaster journey with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

450 USD for the cheapest Mexico vs Brazil match ticket

man that's a steep price Eric. Awesome story though about how you managed to get the tickets in the end. Lol, nothing is ever simple with crypto but I agree with your choice to sell some steem. Once in a life time chances..... well they only come around.... ya know ;-)

Ahhh. I got the tickets. I can breathe easily now. I think this was the most stressed I've been in the past 2 years. I really wanted to attend the game.

The words of a true fan. Ha ha, enjoy the game :-)

I can always bet on Mexico and recover all the money I spent :P hahaha
Hey, looks like if England and Mexico play well, we could be facing each other, how cool is that?
Belgium will be a hard match but Kane and the gang have what it takes.

Yeah dude. I got my fingers crossed for you guys. Even though I bet against them in the blocktrades comp ;-) Ha ha, I've got a feeling I'm not gonna place in the winners ranks in that anyway. I think if you win your quarter-final match, which will almost definitely be Belgium, will be a harder match than ours, still gotta beat Brazil though. We'd be playing Sweden or Switzerland if we beat Columbia then we can battle it out in the semi's. Bring it on!

@anomadsoul See what I mean! The clickbait was the climax of this post haha.

Ha ha @futurethinker. I went the whole hog and read until the end brother ;-) Anomad got them for $115 on the end at FIFA price. However, he'll end up spending all those savings on beers after the match either way. Celebration drinks.... or drowning the sorrows ;-)

Hahaha I bet on Brazil, but it would be awesome if Mexico wins. I do feel they have a good chance.

800 dollars is a steep prices to pay for fun.
800 dollars is also a small price to pay to support what you love :-)
Glad that you got the tickets............... would have been a sad day to see a fan like you deprived from football.

Oh yes, I have been following your travels :-) I am also really grateful to see you post even in between your travels because I have seen many steemians not posting in the past few weeks due to the price slump. At least due to the latest pump juices are once again flowing here on Steemit but it has given me a great insight as to who the true Steemians are.

No no no, read the full post! Nothing close to 800 dollars ;)

I am just comparing what a fan will pay for his team.............. I won't comment if I didn't read what you wrote.
Commenting is what I do here. It is my way of contributing (my upvotes have almost no value). It is also where I get most of my upvotes from - trust me I won't be as rash as to comment without reading :-)

It seems this is the world cup for the underdogs. I wish Mexico because of Vela that once played for Arsenal and for your trouble. And to read another post from you radiating your happiness.

Though that will be at the expense of my fantasy team that has 2 Brazilians.

Goodluck to Mexico...

The story of a true football fan! Does anything to see the most important match for his country in years! Looks like that Real Madrid - Liverpool earnings came handy, even if it was for Steemfest 3...that money can be saved easily for you after the World Cup. You got plenty of time. Hopefully, there are more upsets in this World Cup! A Mexico - Japan quarterfinals? Would love that!

Are you staying in Russia for the whole tournament?

far out the cheapest ticket to watch that match is $450USD? thats pretty steep! But you have been very lucky to be there and i'm still jealous!!

It was amazing that I could find those cheaper tickets! I'm so glad because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to attend! There will be a full vid about it <3

You have done a lot of sacrifice for your country just to watch the match. I pray your country wins the match so that you will be happier at the end of the day. I'm supporting Mexico to win.
This world cup is for underdogs from what has been happening so far

Right? Russia's accomplishment was amazing. I was rooting for Nigeria a few days ago, they were so close man, I'm sad for you guys, you deserved to go through the next stage. Let's see what happens tomorrow!

Yeah, we were close and I'm still sad that we are out of the world cup. Let's see what happens tomorrow. Good luck

I was bummed these Brazil / Mexico had to play so early.

Amigo - what a great story - I am shouting loud and louder for Mexico! Viva Mejico

Stories only life writes :)

I see Mexico defecting Brazil

goodluck to mexico! 800 gees, thats crazy.

I wonder how much a finals ticket is gonna cost, better buy in advance if that option is available...

Oh u don't think I'm going unless I win them in a poker table haha, in the end I didn't pay that amount but still, it was a lot of money what I paid :(

What a lucky guy you are! Shout like nobody else, like your whole life depends of it! I'll be cheering from here!

Hella!! 450 USD, that is a true loyalty man! I will root for Mexico! (Though I predicted in worldcup-russia that Brazil will win.

Lol you didn't read the post man! Nothing close to 450, that was my clickbait first phrase haha.

Hahaha busted lol. I read the firs few paragraphs! The clickbait paragraph was the most exciting and the rest went downwards ;)

hahahaha sorry
but I'm going to brazil

Hahaha. Lucky odyssey, i guess. You are in the center of the world right now. It must be very exciting all hurdles considered. How it is worthy at the end.
I don't have a particular preference. Based on history Brazil should win, but Mexico is having the greatest time. They have the momentum, so unless Neymar works some magic...

wow amigo @anomadsoul sin duda alguna todo lo que pasaste fue una experiencia que jamas olvidaras, no me imagino la cara de aquella mujer esperando por el dinero jajajaja gracias a Dios todo fue posible y pudiste estar presente gritando y apoyando a tu equipo mexicano.

Podemos plantear que tuviste momentos de mucha suerte y otros de mucha desesperaciòn. Lo bueno fue que lograste el objetivo.

Can i have a beer instead of a ciggy? Beat Brazil? Mexico better kick ass to be worthy of those steem.

Whoever comes out of Brazil-Mexico plays the winner of Belgium-Japan. Good luck against Brazil, I think along with Belgium they are the best teams in this World Cup.

wah! what an adventure bro! You're on your way mate!

It's great the way you express your experiences, success!

It was touching to read what you had to go through just to support your team. And it was regrettable that you had to sell those Steem at this price :(
Hope you enjoy the remaining ride, and of course, the match itself.
Although I don’t see how Brazil can lose to Mexico, wish you good luck. Just enjoy the game and the atmosphere.

Que todo el sacrificio valga la pena, la vida siempre premia a que se lo merece, espero celebres después de todo esa gran victoria histórica para tu selección ¡Sigan haciendo historia! En mi ultima publicación encontraras un gesto hacia ti y tu selección, saludos.

Sin duda va a hacer un gran partido amigo es un precio alto se que va a valer la pena 2 grandes selecciones espero que puedas disfrutar mucho ese partido debe ser una gran experiencia que gane el mejor saludos amigo

You are awesome!!! I can feel the heartbeat after the adrenaline ~~~cheers!!!
Wish you luck!! All the best!

You were lucky there. I hope mexiko will win and make all of this worth it.

That's a great story lucknomad - have an absolutely awesome time - I will be looking out for the Steemian in the Sombrero on TV. It's a trip of a lifetime - win or lose! Savour it, especially the pre-match build up as that it untainted joy of anticipation!

You made it to the game. So it was meant to be. Enjoy it, I am looking forward to read and see more of your next travel stories! :)

dude that's a big amount of luck by commitment, cool as fuck :D

Well Erick, the important thing is that you managed to be in the game, as you're going to do to excel, get on the seat, with a giant banner, and excel jejej, and there you are representing thousands of compatriots who want to have gone like you, enjoy it, feel it and live the emotion of the world.

I can imagine how hotel situations now in Russia. Nice to hear your adventure, Eric. Sorry for the Mexico team. Steem price is recovering, hope that will make you feel better.

Hi man, i think you were so busy to see your drawing so i thought to put it here :)
New Doc 2018-06-25-04.jpeg

You got a 27.48% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @anomadsoul!

I think I had goosebumps when reading because I imagined every thing as if was my experience.

Sinceramente no se como rayos terminé leyendo esto que escribiste hace 26 días, siempre estoy pendiente de tus publicaciones pero esta se me escapó y vengo a verla hoy (cuando ya estás fuera de Rusia en un país secreto jajaja)
No se si leerás mis líneas, pero de corazón te digo que es una de las historias mas emocionantes que he leído en los últimos 5 años, sinceramente me sentí identificado contigo "compadre", por un momento pensé que era yo el del cuento jajaja.

Quizás los latinos en aprietos nos identificamos entre si cuando pasamos estas afortunadas pero vertigionas experiencias
Saludos desde Venezuela Será por que esas cosas me pasan solo a mi (pensaba yo) jajaja. Esto es genial, sinceramente siento como si te conociera de toda la vida Eric @anomadsoul.
I honestly don't know how the hell I ended up reading what you wrote 26 days ago, I'm always watching your publications but this one escaped me and I come to see it today (when you're already out of Russia in a secret country hahahaha)
I don't know if you'll read my lines, but from my heart I tell you that it's one of the most exciting stories I've read in the last 5 years, honestly I felt identified with you "compadre", for a moment I thought it was me in the story hahahaha.

Maybe we Latinos in trouble identify with each other when we go through these lucky but vertiginous experiences
Greetings from Venezuela

It's because these things only happen to me (I thought) hahaha. This is great, I honestly feel like I've known you all my life Eric @anomadsoul.