The "other" London

in #busy7 years ago (edited)
I've been to London quite a few times mostly for layovers. I intentionally pick long layovers so I have enough time to explore a city for a few hours without actually having to spend money in accomodation, especially in expensive cities such as the capital of England.

I met Sofie in the morning and we hitted it off from the beginning. This Belgian girl visited friends in Manchester and had the same idea as me: to explore London during the little time she had until her bus left to Belgium.

I had no idea there was an underground tunnel from London to Belgium and that you could actually take a train/bus between the island and the continent. I guess you learn something everyday.

Anyway, she wanted to go to some neighborhood she visited a few years ago and when she described it to me I didn't hesitate and I asked her if I could join in.

I mean, if someone tells you "I know about this hood where you can find art, alternative hobbies, bizarre streets and exotic people" you don't think twice about joining in the adventure.

This part of London is nothing like you would imagine when someone mentions the city. Your mind drifts towards the usual touristic spots you see in the movies and you start imagining yourself walking through posh neighborhoods listening to people speak in their British accent while watching tons of cabbies (taxis) transport important people.

But you see, this is what I like the most from traveling. To see the real side of a city. To explore the normal parts of every town I go to. To be able to explore it even if it's just for a few days or hours. To experience how the life of a normal person is in that specific place on Earth.

I never felt unsafe while walking these streets. I actually felt so comfortable I had a beer - Sofie had water :( - while taking these photographs.

True. It's not what I expected from London and I have to say I still need to get to know this city more deeply to make a judgement but from what I've seen, I have mixed feelings about it.

But having the chance of walking through these streets is a blessing. All we see in other blog posts from the normal traveler is what they think we want to see, or what they think might give them more views or more like, or simply what is more appealing to the normal person's eye.

But not me. I know - or want to believe - that some people want to experience at least through pictures, how is a non-mainstream area or how does the vibe feels in a non-touristic venue.

I guess that's why, sometimes, I like to show people the other side of the coin. I guess that's why I think you'd like to see "The other London".


This is interesting, I mean all you get to see most times from folks is Thames river, The Eye, the London bus, bridge or airport. Believe me any part of a city that has art in a way gives you experience that lingers on for a long time.

Oh yes, everyone focuses in the touristic attractions that people can just google search and thats it, but this part of the cities is what people wouldn´t even know they exist if bloggers didn´t do articles like this one.

Please dont stop showing places like this, its not all about the fency good looking touristy stuff (they are awesome too ofcourse ;p) but sometimes this edgy, darker not this beautiful areas are worth to showcase too.

I have followed a vlogger pair who showcase this parts of cities too and its awesome :)

I will keep trying to bring content like this, thank you for your encouragement!

Well you managed to punch away from the river to escape touristy areas. lol. You look like your beat footing around somewhere outside of Stepney though. The city is a diverse place and you can live there and still discover new things every year. Hope you got to sample some nightlife as well. Again, great post on my home town and thanks for sharing. You captured it well. :)

Oh I went to a bar but my wallet suffered greatly, I don´t think night life in London is affordable for a low budget traveler like me. But still, I really liked London!

The title suits just great as I could never imagine to find such art on the streets of the London. And this is what I love about real travelers, we never go in the direction that everyone goes - seeing those buildings and stuffs everyone knows about but most likely to discover something different and share it with the others too. ♥️

I'm lovin' this lil' series you're puttin' out! Great pics and so eye opening. I seen actual pics from London and they are as you say from the typical touristy spots. I always knew regular Joe's had to live somewhere there just never took the time to explore. Really kool to see these. Nice!

Oh I wish I had more pics about this man, it really is very different from what mainstream blogs and movies makes us believe London is like. Good to see you around man, long time no see :D

I think the other London seems like appropriate title since people just pictures of Thames, Ben and the London Bridge. The art on the wall is one of the best 'read' on what a city is truly like. Although we all see it but never care to document it like we do the other monuments in the city.

Then again, the good company of random strangers can be one of the best ways to break out of the narrow mental shell and see something unexpected and spectacular :-)

Exactly, it[s usually the tourist traps what people blog about, I thought about writing about something refreshing and not-so-mainstream.
I really like when people start paying attention to "normal" things when traveling, because in reality that is what most people are interested in when reading one´s blog, about the real side of the city, not about the touristy spots they can just google search about.... right?

I think a lot of people do really want to see the heart of cities and places they visit to. By 'heart' I mean the real residents of the place and where they come from. Most of the time our impression about the place is just the famous landmarks and tourist spots and we get a little bored of just looking at them from the pictures.
Sooner or later people will tend to look for the real side of the city. It is something that kind of validates your visit to a city. One of the best ways I found was to connect with the locals. A single dinner at their house is worth a hundred at a five star hotel.

Who knew London had places like this, most times when I imagine it to be what I see in movies, would love to visit this part if I ever get the chance to visit london

I would call here a developed ghetto

This is exactly what people want to see right? Not something they can just google search for images about touristic spots. Thanks for your encouragement man.

@anomadsoul So good to see your face again bro, glad to know you're on tour in the city of london. Your friend is really beautiful i must confess, Its obvious you're in safe hands already. Do enjoy your trip man.

Oh yes, she is quite beautiful but we are only friends. Thanks for your comment man glad to see you around.

Hello a pleasure to greet you and what a pleasure to see you in this beautiful image next to this beautiful girl, I love the style of the streets, the colors and structures, enjoy it to the fullest, greetings.

Although I be not been to London, it's one of my dream city

Me neither, I still need more time there to really have an opinion but from what I saw I wasn´t really amazed.

That's wonderful city. Wish I would like to see all that streets by myself. Such experience to walk among ordinary people.

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London is a very beautiful city indeed
I wish you the best times
A truly unique photo

i love london city

Enjoy brother

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Beautiful place!! Enjoy

Excellent photographs of colorful and unknown London.

One of the fabulous things about London is its diversity. I smiled when I read the bit about British accents because in some parts of London, you will hear everything but a British accent. Even in very expensive areas, just next door, literally, you will find very different neighbourhoods. Lovely photographs ... do you know the name of the area you visited?

I agree with this, London is a very multicultural city and there are neighbourhoods where you there is practically no british accent. I´m not sure how I feel about this but it is what it is.

Yes, the places are called Camden and Hackney.

Thanks for a peek at this lesser known side of London, man. Looks like a pretty cool area to explore. The only thing I can really say is that you done goofed with the beer, should have gotten some whiskey or bourbon instead, boiiiii.

Oh man I wanted to but tbh once I start with hard liquor I feel like partying and making it an all nighter and I had to take a plane just a few hours after the walk I took lol.

Excuses, excuses, Eric! You should have just gotten someone to hook up an IV to your arm and took the party to the plane. If any of the stewardesses tried to stop you, then you could just beat them with the IV pole. If that plan should fail, then you could always just piss yourself and pray that no one wants to touch a soiled man. See? You've just gotta plan ahead and you could have had an even better time!

On a serious note, I don't blame you. I personally have to drink whiskey before flying though, haha. I cannot do flights sober at all, man. My anxiety makes it a living hell for hours if I'm not slightly shitfaced before take off, lol.

Had she said she wanted to run to Isle of Dogs would you have been as enthusiastic? A cool place for sure...

I actually saw that place in the map and asked her about it, God was I impressed by her answer... Haha

Wow, I haven't been in London but that's nothing like I thought! Like you said, I imagined it would be something more classy and european, but it even seems very american!

It´s always very refreshing to see the real side of a city ain´t it?

What beautiful corners that you have shared us very nice thanks

Thanks for taking us along on this alt-adventure. There are some crazy good murals in those photos!

Exactly... I love to travel to these non tourist area too. Best I can get a bike , because... I feel tired easily by walking..😝

Oh I gotcha, I prefer exploring by bike because it gives you the chance of getting to know more places in less time, altough you miss the details in every corner which is also very nice.

Este Post ha sido votado por delega, un pool de SP patrocinado por: @betamusic y @nnnarvaez para apoyar tu crecimiento y el contenido de calidad.

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So happy to see normal shit in London. My wife has been bothering me for years to go and I never felt it was my cup of tea. These photo's give me new hope that I may enjoy myself there as well. She wants to be your normal tourist stuff, this is more like it to me.

Yeah man it´s very refreshing to see that most cities are not just the tourist traps the movies and the normal travel blogs make us believe they are. Lol yeah, I think both of you will have plenty of things to do for each other´s tastes.

I've only done one single solitary travel post since I've been on here but I think if I did it more I'd be more inclined to be like you and just post whatever I happen to find (which could be anything from cool street art in back alleys to your regular tourist traps). I think you find interesting things when you just walk, and that and the stories you spin is what I like about your travel posts :)

I think it is more interesting right? I mean, everyone can just google search the big ben or the eiffel tower but too actually know about these places and to actually find pictures of this is pretty much impossible for someone who doesn´t know they exist.

Otro mundo... que bueno que te invita por todos lados con excelentes guías de turistas Jajajaja ¿la cerveza estuvo buena? ¿Probaste algo de comer? Jajajaja
¡Salud y saludos!

No comí nada! Londres es CARISIMO y solo tomé cerveza :P

Uy si, esas guias turisticas no me caen nada mal ehh jaja

hola amigo @anomadsoul lee mi post el cual tengo un proyecto para mostrar y empezar , espero me puedas apoyar es para los niños a farta de medecinas en venezuela amigo saludos desde venezuela..

post link

Gracias por mostrar esa otra cara de Londres, esa es la esencia del viajero, conocer otros sitios no tan concurridos pero hermosos de igual forma. Saludos

Muchas gracias! Intento hacerlo de esa forma, escribiendo acerca de los lugares que nadie conoce y que no verían nunca si no fuera por articulos como este, enfocados en los lugares no tan famosos de las ciudades icónicas.

I’m from Bristol originally but when I lived in England visited London regularly its a great and varied city. Where was this? Hackney??

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Yeah man! It is Hackney, good eye!

I love hackney, there’s so much character to it.

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