Potential Blockchain Technologies in Bangladesh: Paul Braibeck

in #busy7 years ago


A technology-based country like Bangladesh, has the opportunity to work with new technologies like Blockchain, said Silicon Valley-based technology expert Paul Brigake. The Blockchain is a safe and open method to store data. Depending on the method, the data is stored in different blocks as a chain, and the ownership of the data is stored. If you want to change the data of a single block when you save data in this manner, then every block in that chain has to be changed, which is impossible. So saving the data in this way is pretty safe.

Paul Briancoque, the sponsor of the Kander Inc., California-based company of the United States, is traveling around the world to discuss blockchain technology. In a seminar organized at the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) office on February 11, Brajak said, the use of Blockchain technology can bring huge changes in the digital sector in the country. The application of this technology has already been seen in Estonia and Dubai. According to the research, the international market of 380 billion US dollars is Blockchain Technology. There are opportunities to apply this technology in various fields, including financial, raid sharing, medical sector in Bangladesh. Some Bangladeshi organizations have already started working on this technology.

Dayan Shuvo, the founder and chief executive of the company, announced the introduction of service related to the Blockchain and the related service on behalf of the Raid Sharing Servant in the seminar. He said the cost will be reduced by applying this method. The driver and the passengers will benefit from this. Apart from this, there is a chance to use this blockchain in many areas, including security.

Mir Haque, who worked as an entrepreneur with Afia Venture Capital and local entrepreneur Blockchain technology in Bangladesh, said recently he has discussed blockcon technology with Mexican President Vincent Fox. Discussions on how to use Blockquanes can be done in countries like Bangladesh. He said this is a new type of Internet, which can change the world, reduce poverty, reduce unemployment, and even mobile banking can be safe.