original drawing by pencil - good start for breaking unnecessary thoughts

in #busy7 years ago (edited)

Can i control my thoughts , can you suggest some ways to stay focused in the now ?

Tolle: One thing we can do is to notice the little things all around us, paying attention to details such as the birds in the trees and the flowers in the garden or the park—just notice the beauty everywhere, even the smallest things. To notice seemingly insignificant things requires alertness.

That alertness is the key. It is the unconditioned.

It is consciousness itself. Another helpful practice is to watch the breath, and breathe consciously. If we are paying attention to our breath, we cannot be thinking of anything else at the same time. Our attention is in the now moment and not on our worries about yesterday or our plans for what we will do next week.

We are just breathing, not thinking.

Because the practice of breath meditation takes us out of the activity of thought, it is an effective way to awaken. In fact, breath, because it has no form as such, has traditionally been equated with spirit, the formless One Life.

~Eckhart Toll~

i must paint an order in oil colours, it's a big one! , but i'm drawing with my pencil today !too relax.. because i'm not in oil colour mood at this moment ,hmm...

hopefully i'll share the process of that work later .





i wanted to paint it with charcoal but i changed my decision and continued with pencil





my previous posts , you can click on images to see steps :





Thank you :)



Madam I liked ur idea to keep focus on our surroundings and to concentrate on our breath.i ll try it as I am not able to meditate after a long attempts.
Regards @crafter

Saw your post for first time ... thats great post . 👍

Sureal! An awesome work keep it up! :)

thank you " :)

Very nice artwork. Truly.

thank you so much :) !

beautiful interpretation.

thank you so much :)

Cool idea and drawn very well

thank you so much :)

Brilliant! Love how you blend the positive and negative spaces and create an-other space in your work. Very cool! Peace

oh thank you very much :) ,,, peace

I am loving your art more and more each time I see one! :)

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@mattclarke thank you

Lovely art, btw :)

..oh thanks :)