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RE: Find your Master YODA - Mentors are important

in #business9 years ago

This advice is golden, If i didn't have a mentor in my job profession I would be useless at it now.
The best type of knowledge comes from experience, and that is where your mentor can teach you the best things.


Oh yes experience and patience

One person's experience can indeed benefit you. But you can run through several different experiences in the particular field of interest, by reading books and pieces in which those people describe their experience.
Is this not more time-efficient than being hand-held by an old sage?

No, because the mentor can also network you with the right people as part of the relationship. it's more 3-dimensional than a book, which is a passive way to learn.

I agree on that, a mentor will introduce you to his peers but only if he feels it is worth that he introduces you to them.

True words. Hard work does it as well...

Could not agree more!

Experience goes both ways. Some of the best things are discovered by taking the leap and rolling the dice. Those who do not play lose by default, those who play by old rules and roles risk losing sight of the prize they are after. Do you believe that you NEED a mentor to succeed, when you have this much energy inside you?

When multiple ways lead to Rome, why not make your own way and your own rules?