Around the companies Atlantic global assent management and QUESTRA Holdings Inc., which had lured investors with high profits, there are inconsistencies:
There had claimed to have applied for a BaFin permit pursuant to section 32 KWG. which is not at all true.
For exmple, BaFin writers as of July 27,2017 on its website headed "Atlantic Global Assent Management / QUESTRA Holdings Inc: no applications for" banking licensing " meaning that the two companies claim to be approved by the federal Financial supervisory Authority (BnFin) Section 32 para. 1KWG for the provision of financial services in Germany. "However. The corresponding applications are not available to BaFin"
According to Dr Spath and Partner Rechtsanwailte MbB. This is already highly dubious.
Also for example, the Liechtenstein Financial Market Supervisory Authority FMA was already involved in the activities of World Ltd. As of 31.05.2017 and Atlantic Global Assent Management. And Advised not to react or did on offers from there Companies.
Investors should therefore consider Spath & Partner Rechtsanwailte mbB will examine all their legal possibilities, for example. A repurchase of the funds law firm or, in the event that investors should be harmed or have already been incurred, the examination of claim of the damages.
Any question comments
Here is some images of QUESTRA
Here's QUESTRA invest plans!
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