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RE: Business sense competition - RESULT

in #business8 years ago

Ouch. Gotta say I'm kinda butthurt I didn't at least get a runner up spot, considering my submission had almost 40 votes, which was FAR more than anyone else got, but I guess I'll have to work harder next time...


Or stop putting in work for a "chance" to get paid for it. Not sure which.

No, no, do not ever stop! Keep the creative juices flowing. Don't even worry about the monetary part. Just enjoy.

It was quite a tough decision but I think that I will learn from it. Next time I will probably divide the prize pool up better so that more people can receive a reward.

I'm sure it was tough, and I shouldn't complain. I was just for sure I had it in the bag. I still feel your followers spoke with as many upvotes as I had, but in the end, it wasn't mine or their decision. I'll just have to go even further above and beyond next time.