Make 1,000% From the Seven Biggest Moneymaking Trends in America

in #business7 years ago

In every generation, there are big demographic trends that will change the world.

Trends are an interesting metaphysical topic for several reasons. For one thing, I strongly believe the key to success is to be calm today since that’s the best predictor of a successful day tomorrow. But that doesn’t mean you stand on the edge of the beach when a hurricane is coming. You still have to do right now whatever it takes to ensure your survival, to make the moves that will help you and your family survive, and maybe even thrive for tomorrow.

The trends that are coming are that hurricane. When you notice a trend, you do so for several reasons:

It might indicate what stocks to buy.
It might indicate what businesses to start. And for every one trend there are many different businesses you can start.
If it’s a negative trend, it might suggest how you can position your family to survive.
It gives you something to talk about with your friends.
It gives you ideas that may morph into revenue streams that nobody has ever thought of before.
I will tell you that the way I make money is through the last item listed. I think of ideas for other companies who call me, and my “business” is to help them implement those ideas on their own and become massive successes.

If you combine the ideas that trends give birth to with an understanding of demo- graphic trends, there are trillions of dollars waiting to made.

Most of what I write is about, the end of corporatist America or the corporatist world where a handful of institutions and the people that ride them like wild horses are losing the power to make choices for you. Choices regarding what you make, what you eat, where you live, where you educate yourself, whom you marry, what you do to make money, what you do to find peace and happiness. And we know by now that that trend is ending.

The way you deal with end of that trend is by developing the skills of a suc- cessful artist/entrepreneur/world leader and using those skills to sculpt exactly the life you want. Without those skills, someone else will start making choices for you and ultimately you will have to live with someone else’s choices and not your own. And that won’t be pleasant.

A trend is a reflection that some way of life is ending and another way of life is beginning. For instance, Henry Ford could’ve said that the era of transportation by horse was ending, while that of the automobile was dawning.

No matter what the trend, a group of people will gather and complain. When Henry Ford was talking about his big trend, many people were happy, but then later many people were sad. For one thing, there was horse shit all over the street all the time. It was the end of the era of horse shit in the street. But now because we have to get to work and we live farther out in the suburbs, we need a lot of fuel that we dig out of the earth and then do something to and then spit into the air to get to work. People complain about that. Any time there is change, people will complain, and resist. Some people will always insist that the “old way” was better. But you and I know better.