Checking back in here at Steem

in #business8 years ago

ok, so 10 days ago I jumped on to Steem, I looked around a little & I think I like it - I was hoping to be a bit more involved , but I had a few work distractions that have required my attention - there might be a little more time available space opening up - So I am going to attempt to re-engage the community

So, I own 2 small businesses in upstate, ny & they are both very different from each other & I have been thinking about a another small 3rd business

I throttled back on the third one when I had 1 person quit from each of the existing 2 business - lol - thus the aforementioned distractions -

I do believe that as much as possible, we should attempt to have our own ways of making a living - as difficult as it can be & as many naysayers as you will run into you & tell you - "it won't work" - you have to try - the oldest business I have was started 28 years ago with a family member & the 2nd business was started 15 years ago with a friend

i have to say, there have been ups & downs in both, but i am glad these were created - they need love & attention - like children, my former spouse laughed at me when I said that - i could have made a better decision in that department - lol - that is for sure

more to come later