Facebook, Tesla, GE are just a few of the corporate giants whose stock prices are riding an avalanche. Is Amazon next?
Trump has accused Amazon of not paying the right amount of taxes. How can such a behemoth be out of the radar of the IRS? If Trump is right, this could be the biggest theft in the 21th century. Here's what Trump's latest tweet:

Will there be a bloodbath for the juggernaut starting Monday? Will Amazon fall from grace? If it does, it will be hard crash landing. Afterall, it has climb so high that if gravity pulls it back, it's like a jumbo jet falling from the sky.
The timing couldn't be worst. The Dow Jones is falling and the rumor that 2018 will be the year of recession is getting louder and louder. What's coincidental is that the DOW peaked at around 27,000 from a low of 6,000 about 9 years ago, the same peak that bitcoin hit before falling. Is history repeating itself? Will the Dow Jones drop to 6,000 just like bitcoin? This is very interesting and only time can tell.
For crypto supporters, this could be the sign that you've been waiting for. Afterall, what's bad for stocks could be good for cryptos. Let's see if the wolves of wall street will begin to look at bitcoin and altcoins are better alternatives during a recession.
It's a waiting game, time will tell