Supporting my mother to market her fashion boutique - with first great results

in #business6 years ago


My mother has a beatiful boutique in Munich. The kind of shop that are getting really rare lately. Customer come in and do not see the stereo kind of products you see in ZARA no matter which city you are. It is a unique experience.

It has been existing for over 30 years now. Besides having regular clients she struggles to acquire new customers. I started to promote her services and products on social media platforms and for now the results are great.


Lately, I got confronted a lot with digital marketing. My company, I am working for, is not really a digital marketing agency, but we got a separate department doing creatives, choosing the right channels to broadcast the content and actually creating content. Since our company is quite short with employees at the moment I help the other department from time to time and already learned a lot.

I work for the business side which means I track KPIS of marketing campaigns but also do management consultancy. Lately we design an ecosystem with the help of platformization which I talked about in my last article.


Anyway, today I want to talk about my mum. She has a small boutique in Munich selling high class fashion and accessories for woman. The target group are women with the age of 35+ who love fasion.

Her clients love my mom

Especially for the great services she provides. Customer get a free coffee or prosecco to have a great shopping experience.

Furthermore, there is always someone able to help the customer to find a suitable stylish outfit.

What customer really appreciate about her store is that she and the employees take their time to find perfect matching clothes for their types. They get a detailed fashion consultancy which most really appreciate.

Above all, my mum hosts different types of customer events [e.g. fashion shows, theme parties where she invites bands or workshops where clients can learn something]. Every event is different which regulars value really high and most of them show up to nearly occassion.

Photos of her latest fashion week


My mother and a coworker preparing for the fashion show


One model presenting the fashion to the audience


Another model presenting the lates fashion

** Those events are also extremely appreciated because customer experience something which they normally do not.**


Her shop is located in a district in Munich which cannot be seen as downtown. It is based in an old district of Munich called Pasing. I think a small city within the city describes Pasing the best. It's isolated from the BIG downtown turmoil.

But that also means she does not acquire new customer that easy. In other words, she is rather unknown although her shop already has been existing for 30 years.

She already triedposter advertisement in the near located train station. 100k people are using this train station every day. So, people are exposed to her pictures and ads.

The downside of the poster advertisement is that it is extremely expensive and not that much people came to visit her in the shop.

Now I come into the picture

I told my mother that we have to promote her services in social media. We focus with high attention on Instagram her account and also promote the posts on Facebook.


Her Account

Since she is a unique woman with a lot ideas, I was sure that creating content for the channels would be the least problem.

In the beginning I just gave her some advice and let her do the work. Things did not turn out as good and last week I decided to her social advertisement completely for now.

We created a creation schedule so that she always knows what she has to do on a specific day (content creation). On Monday for example we post the outfit of the week. The customer sees a picture of the fashion and when you swipe one page further you see a video of my mother explaining which type the outfit suits best and with what you can combine it to look superb.

We did that for every working day 😊

Starting as the social media manager :D I said we advertise her content in the area of Munich (8 km. around her store for woman age 30-65+ with interests for fashion.

Furthermore, I started to comment in a personalized manner every now and then on profiles, which would fit in the target group. Example: Hey your outfit looks marvelous.

In order to not destroy the sparkle of the comment, I did not mention that the target person should check out my mothers’ profile and should visit the store. People will get interested on their own and will click it to a higher percentage when you are just nice 😊


Being 1,5 weeks in, I could already increase the number of followers by 58%. We only have 158 persons following at the moment but you have to start from somewhere.

We turned her personal account to a business Instagram account, so customer can easily write an eMail, call or watch her website. During that period 8 people clicked on the website and she received 1 E-Mail of a potential client.


Some figures

For the ad, we received 5 bookmarks, meaning that the person saved the profile, to come back at it later.

No person in the store mentioned so far that he or she came from Instagram but my mother already told me she already saw some new faces.

I will be happy to show some more insights in the following weeks / months if you guys are interested.

I wanted to share this because overall it is not that hard to invest some time into social media to promote your product or services.

Maybe some of you are also interested in following my mothers Instagram account ;)

In case you have any questions you are very welcome to post them in the comment section. I would appreciate if you leave an upvote when you liked the article.

For more awesome content make sure you hit that follow button 😊

Cheers and a super week,


super Beitrag ich kenne das Problem gut, da ich selbst einen Einzelhandelsladen im Bereich Fashion habe.
Socialmedia ist super, aber manchmal grade für kleine Unternehmen, sehr zeitaufwenig und manchmal nur wenig output. Kleine feine marketing Veranstaltungen wie spezielle Popup stores oder kleine events im Shop haben bei mir immer sehr sehr viel gebracht. Alles gute weiter so :-) glg shakkei

Viele Grüße,
MaxHey @shakkei danke für dein Kommentar :) Ich habe ihn leider gerade erst gefunden. Danke für deine Tipps ich werde versuchen weitere Maßnahmen umzusetzen :)

sehr gerne bin auch immer für einen Austasuch offen , mal ein popup store etc glg

Hallo! Ich denke, dass die Werbung in allen social media Kanälen für die Boutique deiner Mutter einen kräftigen Boost geben könnte.

Wenn du magst, kannst du gerne mal zu uns zum steem Stammtisch kommen. Mitten in München am Kapuzinerplatz/Nähe Goetheplatz!

Der nächste Stammtisch ist schon kommenden Mittwoch. Hier die Einzelheiten: @steem-munich

Ich bin übrigens der Organisator der meetups in München.

Beste Grüße,
Peter (auch @actifit-peter)

Würde mich freuen wenn wir uns am Mittwoch kennen lernen!
Viele Grüße,
MaxHi @peter2017, danke für die Einladung ich werde es versuchen. Ich muss schauen wie es mit der Arbeit hinhaut.

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Hello buddy, great idea to advertise such products and I think social media marketing is important for such business.

No surprise about the early statistics, it only gets better with time.


Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks pal,

great idea to advertise such products and I think social media marketing is important for such business.

You are totally right. I see it growing just a tiny bit every day :) I think once you surpass a certain stage it will get faster and faster :) But thats not the point. Either to attract some people to visit my mums Store.
Thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment :)

From my personal experience looking at your mums brand and target market you're better off on Facebook. don't worry too much about followers. On insta do your posts daily and maybe some stories if you can.

On facebook you should run highly targetted ads to only women of the age group in your specific area with images of the shop and products and use the messenger call to action so users can DM you directly from the ad, that way you can make quick contact and can even call them via messenger and get them to your store

Hey @chekohler, thank you for your advice. Everything I post is linked to Facebook. So the connection is already there. I think you are right with the target group, that most of the older "fashion queens" are on Facebook. Maybe its just that i Don't like it anymore. But i will definatly look into it and try to convert some leads :P

Thank you buddy!

Being situated near Munich myself I actually consider Pasing growing nicely. I expect it to rule out the Munich City Center within the next years - at least for customers coming from the West and South. I think it's easier to reach for them.
However, I would not expect the people at the train station to come over actually even though it's close. Remember, most people are tired when they come from the train.

How about the both of you coming to a @steem-munich meetup?

4 weeks ago one of two fashion shops in my town commune closed. After more than 50 years. And it's not the only local shop to close within the last 6 months. Local commerce seems to die out while communes grow. :(

Hi @isamoewe,

I expect it to rule out the Munich City Center within the next years - at least for customers coming from the West and South

da bin ich mir nicht so sicher. Viele Geschäft sind nicht mehr orginell in Pasing und in den Arcarden findest du nur die bekannten Marken. Vor 5 Jahren hat man noch spezielles und einzigartiges gefunden :)

How about the both of you coming to a @steem-munich meetup?

Habe ich mir schon überlegt, vielleicht komme ich echt vorbei. Was macht ihr so? Über was wir geredet, was sind so deine Erfahrungswerte?

4 weeks ago one of two fashion shops in my town commune closed. After more than 50 years.

Ich denke der Einzelhandel kann immer noch überleben bzw. funktionieren. Man muss ich nur an die neuen Gegebenheiten anpassen :)

Über was bei den Treffen geredet wird, hängt von den Teilnehmern ab. Natürlich reden wir über (eigene und fremde) Projekte und Entwicklungen auf der Steem-Blockchain, aber auch Actifit und andere Apps und geben einander Tips ... gemütliche Abende in familiärer Atmosphäre mit gutem Essen, würde wohl @lizanomadsoul sagen ... Bei ihr und @backinblackdevil gibt's Berichte von den letzten Treffen, ich war jetzt schon eine Weile nicht mehr da. Aber eigentlich wollte ich dich vor allem mit dem @actifit-peter vernetzen. :) Manche Dinge sind im persönlichen Gespräch besser zu klären als online.

Lieben Gruß!

Hallo Anni! Hätte ich nicht besser schreiben können, was wir so beim Stammtisch machen!
Danke fürs Erwähnen! Ja, es würde mich freuen, Max kennenzulernen!

Ich kann es zwar noch nicht versprechen, aber ich versuche es :)
Würde mich freuen - dann fühlt man sich auch nicht wie ein Einzelkämpfer auf Steemit :P
Dann hoffentlich bis Mittwoch & ein schönes Wochenende euch.Hey @isarmoewe & @actifit-peter looks like I have to come :P

Super, würde mich (uns) freuen! :-) Wenn deine Mutter zeitlich kann, bring sie doch mit!

Excellent boutique . may your mom's shop sales go high and earn a lot

Thank you very much

You always welcome

Waoh, this is really amazing of a man like you to help for your mom. Karma will truly do you well and your children will help you out too. Thanks

I grew up helping my mom to hawk her provision in a sport stadium till the age of eleven and am touched by how much you've use technology and the social media to help mum.
God bless.

It is very interesting that you have used the power of social networks and the internet to improve the sales of your mom's store. I did not know that Instagram was so popular. I thought it was just a network to post photos. In fact, I had an account a long time ago that I do not use anymore because I considered it boring. However, I have seen that today is more interactive (with short videos) and even has a TV signal or something like that.

But you are quite right in what you said:

People will get interested on their own and will click it to a higher percentage when you are just nice

hey @jadams2k18 thank you for your comment :)

I did not know that Instagram was so popular

It is going really crazy! When you have a business you should be present there :)
I think it will last another 2 years and then something new will come :)

Dear @mcnestler

The kind of shop your mother has seem to be very oldstyle and unique. Unfortunatelly there will be only less and less shops like that one as long as small brands will not be "promoted" by authorities (with lower taxes that could allow them to compete with giants). And that will most likely never happen.

Share her social media account with us :) Would love to see it .... oh wait. You just did it :)

Clothing industry is very hard and to ensure that your business will survive it takes huge amount of energy. I don't see it as a way of earning money, but mostly as a passion. If your mum will rely on that source of money then she may struggle a lot.


Hey @crypto.piotr great to hear from you :)

The kind of shop your mother has seem to be very oldstyle and unique. Unfortunatelly there will be only less and less shops like that one as long as small brands will not be "promoted" by authorities (with lower taxes that could allow them to compete with giants). And that will most likely never happen.

You may be right but I also have the feeling that people are looking for unique experiences. They want to have a journey when they buy something. Sure normal products [e.g. Soap] will be bought on Amazon or somewhere else but when something is important to you or you need some inspiration those shops get more and more important :)

Clothing industry is very hard and to ensure that your business will survive it takes huge amount of energy. I don't see it as a way of earning money, but mostly as a passion. If your mum will rely on that source of money then she may struggle a lot.

I agree with you but my mum really goes OK. With her energy and kindness she has a bond with the customer which makes them loyal :)

How are you doing?

Awesome comment @mcnestler

Thank you for taking the time to reply. Appreciate it a lot.


Greetings dear @mcnestler.

I found your marketing promotion experiment on social networks interesting.
The reality of globalization achieved its maximum splendor with social networks. For what your best exhibition move should necessarily include social networks.

I see that the number of followers of your mother is growing. I congratulate you with all my heart.

A small idea: you should make a catalog of the products.

The kind of shop that are getting really rare lately. Customer come in and do not see the stereo kind of products you see in ZARA no matter which city you are. It is a unique experience.

This comment made me want to enter that store, so also a virtual visit to the store would be something wonderful.

Finally, a small video of you and your mother where you invite to visit your store. In the photographs you look like very nice people.

Good luck! Juan.

thank you for you nice comment and ideas :) I appreciate it.
Your idea is good, but i Think first the base has to be in order which means that the internet site has to be 2019 like, and the quality of the content should rise.
After that you can implement a web shop. Too many open projects will make it even harder O.oHey @juanmolina,

This comment made me want to enter that store, so also a virtual visit to the store would be something wonderful.

That is really nice of you thank you :) When you are in Munich you should check it out :P
An image film is a brilliant idea, I already thought about it a couple of days ago.

Cheers Max

This is awesome!! I love those designs.

Posted using Partiko Android

Fashion fever at it's best.@mcnestler, In my opinion in this blog we saw

@chireerocks Thank you soo much :)

Welcome. 🙂

Dear, @mcnestler

How good for you and also good for your mom,
When I read the post I liked it a lot as you emphasize and how you talk about your mom's endeavor, that's very good.
But the best of all is when you mention that your mom, the customers love her.

I know why you love her, you are an example of that. With seeing the wonderful way, as you express it, I can know that he is a great person.
We love the customers, when the owners of the stores treat everyone who visits a store very well, that leaves a lot to say in their favor, that makes the difference and creates a bond with the client, by creating a link with Customers are gaining a multiplier of the good service you provide.

you can place instagram advertising including steemit and vice versa but also in the store you must visibly place the advertising of these platforms and where they can find you. It is a good way to support yourself in the new technologies and publicize yourself there.

German blood runs through my blood, but my great grandfather when he arrived in Venezuela renounced his German nationality.
I dream of knowing your wonderful country.

Greetings from Venezuela.

Hey @lanzjoseg thank you very much for you great comment. I appreciate it :)

We love the customers, when the owners of the stores treat everyone who visits a store very well, that leaves a lot to say in their favor, that makes the difference and creates a bond with the client, by creating a link with Customers are gaining a multiplier of the good service you provide.

You are totally right. When customer make a superb experience then they get loyal and return to buy at another moment. Customer relationships are really important, if you put effort in it they will return the favour.

you can place instagram advertising including steemit and vice versa but also in the store you must visibly place the advertising of these platforms and where they can find you.

You are totally right we are already thinking about it. Maybe some location in the shop or even and extra advertisment :)

German blood runs through my blood, but my great grandfather when he arrived in Venezuela renounced his German nationality.

Thats cool to hear. You definatly have to visit the country, once you get millionaire via Steemit :P
Do you recommend visiting Venezuela ? Sounds really interesting to me!

Have a lovely day buddy
Greetings from Germany

Hello, I am very happy that you think about placing advertising for steemit, thanks to steemit I have met many who live and are natives of Germany.

I can tell you with the sincerity of a Venezuelan, that my country is very beautiful there are wonders that only exist in Venezuela, an example is the Angel Falls is the highest fall that exists on the planet.
However, there is currently a very well organized group of criminals who occupy positions in the government and they are communist in the style of CUBA and have our country submerged in misery. We are currently struggling to get out of them. The big problem is that they are armed, they do not mind killing the Venezuelans to stay in power. and that's what they do every day

By the way recently these criminals released a German journalist who was detained for more than three months 3 weeks ago was released.

So at this time is not a good time to visit my country, that gives me a lot of pain to say it ..

I love this phrase, of course when I am a millionaire I visit the country of my ancestors.

You definatly have to visit the country, once you get millionaire via Steemit: P

Hey @lanzjoseg, cool that you connect all around the world thanks to Steemit :)

However, there is currently a very well organized group of criminals who occupy positions in the government and they are communist in the style of CUBA and have our country submerged in misery. We are currently struggling to get out of them. The big problem is that they are armed, they do not mind killing the Venezuelans to stay in power. and that's what they do every day

I am very sorry to hear that :( I can only slightly imagine how bad that for you and your whole country is. I hope things will get better really soon.

I love this phrase, of course when I am a millionaire I visit the country of my ancestors.

Always stay positive, we will get there

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