How to use Metaphors to create Impactful Business Presentations

in #business7 years ago

Metaphors allow you to make the complex simple and the controversial palatable. Conversely, metaphors allow you to create extraordinary meaning out of the seemingly mundane.
~ Brian Clark

Brian couldn’t state it better, and don’t think that metaphors are only for fiction writing and movie making; they are highly useful in business settings.

And that's what we're going to explore today in this post.

But then you’d ask, why go through the trouble to creating something just to tell another thing, when telling it as it is would be enough?

Well, the truth is, not everyone thinks like us - if you’re married or have communicated with young children before you will get what I mean. Metaphors will help them understand the gist of the message better.

In their researches, learning theorists concluded by leveraging on metaphors, we are essentially using something called "prior knowledge" to bridge new concepts to something we are already familiar with.

Let’s look at some examples.

“The ballroom is the size of a football field” - picture of football field immediate comes to mind.

“This software is the whatsapp for client services” - it’s a communication tool for improving customer service.

"The news hit my boss like a bullet train" - Whamp! The announcement literally threw the boss off the chair! Hey, that's a metaphor too!

See, metaphors paint pictures of familiarity, and if you use them well, they can make your presentation messages more relatable to your audience. As a matter of fact, it makes technical information so much more relevant to your audience.

Image source

Remember in my previous post on the presentation secrets of Steve Jobs? I mentioned one of his secrets was using metaphors, and one of the examples was Steve talking about the capacity of the iPod. You see, instead of saying it having 5GB of space, which frankly, most consumers won't be able to relate, Steve said,

"This iPod can hold over 500 of your favourite songs."

"500 favourite songs" is something you can grasp immediately, without working out the math of 5GB.

Here's another example that I gave.

"The iPod Shuffle is smaller and lighter than a pack of gum".

There you go! Without delving into the weight and size of the device, you can already imagine in your mind how the iPod Shuffle will feel in your hands.

By now, your next question will be, how do you create metaphors? Let's go.

Tips of Creating Metaphors for your Business Presentations

Here are a basic tips to get you "metaphoring" in no time. And I thought to make it easier for you, let's use insurance policies as an example, NOT because I'm trying to sell you one, but because it's a service that we are all familiar with.

  • Think about the message you want to drive home - highlight the key points

    So in the case of insurance policies, the key points would be words/phrases like security, peace of mind, and protection.

  • List down a few objects, scenes or stories that can be linked to the message and/or the points.

    So what comes to mind when you think of the key points above? For me, umbrellas, a firm helping hand from a friendly stranger, a hug that a parent gives to a child, or even a teddy bear.

    Tip: Find something generic that most people can relate to

  • Test the link

    Using the examples above, test it out with friends, family members and colleagues. Ask them questions like, "If you see a child holding a teddy bear tightly, does trigger the words like protection and love?"

  • Use descriptive words

    Colors, emotions, expressions, even tiny details.

    For example: "Picture this: you see your child holding her teddy bear tightly, lovingly and protectively. Deep down, do you wish that you, too, can do the same for her too?"

    Bonus Tip: The art is to keep the descriptive words to be sufficient, meaningful and effective. Too many descriptive words will bore people - overdetailed.

  • Totally optional, but you may want to add a ‘twist’ to the metaphor to make yours message more impactful

    To add a little spin to the story, introduce the next slide where the same teddy bear is now lying on the floor, covered in dirt. In the background, you see a child weeping for her lost. Then, in a swift gesture, like a superhero, someone picked up the teddy, dust it clean, and hand it to the now smiling child.

    Setting -> Tragedy -> Heroic Act

    BTW, that just described most of the movies you've seen in the past, and yet you don't get tired of it because it's a proven formula around a familiar metaphor!

  • Use a picture or short video clip if you can find one.

    If you’re using the video clip, make sure it’s “chunked” high enough for you to blend your message in (What’s chunking? I’ll talk about that in detail in an upcoming post. Promise.)

So there you have it. And like anything else, practice leads to improvement. Even in casual conversations, try using metaphors. The worst that can happen is they can’t catch your “drift” or “ball”, and that oddly, that still can work to pique their interest!

Oh yeah. What are some metaphors that you caught yourself using regularly? Mine's "You know that euphoric feeling you get when you suddenly win a prize? That's what Steemit makes me feel everytime I check my account!"

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Great post on metaphors and communication @maverickfoo. Clear, simple and easy to understand.

Thank you for sharing.

This article is the encyclopedia Britannica of how writing metaphors into your business presentation can be quite effective :) ;)

Thanks @maverickfoo

Wow, thanks for the kind words. Will keep it up.

Also works when explaining complex things, like philosophy or politics, combining metaphors with stuff coming from movies or tv series helps a lot
I.E. if i want to talk about making a decision i could quote Matrix in the pill scene
Stuff like that

Yeap, pop cultural references make easy connections!

Just finished re-reading and take notes of your post on presentation secrets of Steve Jobs, just exactly the right time to read this post. First 4 person to upvoke your post.:) Your posts are so knowledgeable.

Haha, thanks for the support, @vinciwenchee. Looking forward to your next presentation. :)

I also hope that I have a chance and courage to present.Tq for yr support and encouragement

I was not aware that Steve used so many metaphors in his sales approach! Does not surprise me at all but really does help to see the examples.

I believe that the more senses you can include in your dialogue, the better your communication will be. We all take in information differently and we express it differently as well.

In Neuro-Semantics we call the primary sensory systems "VAK" or Visual - Auditory - Kinesthetic. This is pretty basic knowledge but we often forget that most of the population IS primarily visually oriented. Thus, having metaphors really allows individuals to see (within their mind's eye) a word in a visual format.

I believe that has a lot to do with why it's effective.

We are, however, moving into the auditory age as we speak (no pun intended) with siri, amazon echo, or google home we'll be speaking and hearing our search results in the future!

Awesome post @maverickfoo. Really enjoyed it.

I write about empowered psychology and how to inspire creativity. Today I wrote about the power of failing early on. I'd love to hear your thoughts about it: This Is Why NOT Succeeding Early On Is The Best Thing For You

Hey @axios, thanks for leaving such a good comment here.

Yeap, totally agree that the world is predominantly visual (70% I heard once). I also think that metaphors works well for the Auditory Digital (Ad) people, who talks to themselves and reflects a lot.

Yes agreed! AD is probably more relevant, especially for internet based communication in the future.

This is great - wasn't Steve Job's actual phrase:

"1,000 songs in my pocket"

This is the link to his immortal words here:

Ahh, i never realize metaphors make such a difference in conversations or presentations. Metaphors make it so much easier for audience to grab the message of the presenter. Really good point and helpful!

I think we use it more than we like to think. Especially when we give examples, or when we try to sensationalise some facts.

Glad you've enjoyed them. :)

This is very educative to mem I never knew u can use metaphor in your business presentation. I thought it only for fiction and movie writing. Thanks so much for sharing with us.

I like to think as humans, we all like to be entertained, and we grew up with stories. So even as adults, there's still the child part about us. :)

I’m 100% with you on that one! I also make a lot of presentations and try to use metaphors all the time. I would also suggest to make up unique, strange and funny metaphors, because they really stick to people.

Oh yes, Original, unique ones leave a stronger impression for sure. It's like our experiences with our "first" - first broadway play, first kiss, first heartbreak. We all remember our firsts very well.

And you just reminded me of this quote!


This is very true indeed. Your post here acts as a refresher for me on how using metaphors or analogies in our everyday life. It helps a lot in making our communication becomes more smooth and easier to be understood by others.

Thanks for this article @maverickfoo. This is really a great reminder. I always do this exercise in my branding workshops. I'll say,

"Close your eyes and just listen to what I say. I want you to think of 'elephants'. Now raise your hands if you already think of 'elephants'. Now open your eyes. How many of you when I say elephants, saw the word elephants? Raise your hands"

Usually the whole class would be quiet.

"How many saw an elephant or some elephants?" I would then proceed to the next question.

Most of the class or the whole class would raise their hands. So basically I would then explain,

"Most of us think in pictures. That's what give us mass and how our brains make sense of it. When we read words, they'll then be translated in our hearts and minds into some forms of visuals and feelings and even that can be turned into pictures. Branding is like that.."

So yeah, metaphor is really the way to go. It makes the whole message easy to relate to and provides clarity to the audience. Most of all, metaphor evokes emotion ;-)

Just like 'There's an elephant in the room.'

(Photo: Google)

Thank bro @maverickfoo for this write up. After reading it, i only realize that it is natural for some not for others. I seem to be always "metaphorically explain situations to my customer/kids/wife/friend" it seems to connect with people regardless of their background.

#upvoted have a nice day!

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Human brain easily remember examples , images and also videos.Totaly agree with you.You have explained lovely.Thanks for sharing...

Hola, soy nueva en el mundo de Steemit y estoy fascinada con la cantidad de información valiosa que puedes encontrar, expresada de manera amena que me viene como anillo al dedo, gracias, mil gracias por su publicación la tendré en cuenta puesto que no solo es aplicable a la publicidad sino a otras áreas profesionales en las cuales las metáforas son de gran utilidad para trasmitir información.