Your Mouth Can Destroy Your Mountain Use it Deliberately!

in #business7 years ago

SELF Sucking Elevated Long Fleek. Well you can make it sound better than me…
But, why this “thing” called self is so SELF destructive? Is it like a crazy magic spell that hovers over you? It stops you dead in your tracks and lays swift sands, muddy holes and bottomless pit of troubles.
That SELF thing is never satisfied, never happy always pulling at least three different ways. Do you ever feel like four different people? No, no, no, don’t even think of it, I’m not suggesting you are a lunatic. You may be a luni but no tick. So how do you kill this monster in it’s tracks? How do you stop it from sabotaging and tackling, and pushing you in the ditch?
Well, there is only one way. It’s messy and bloody and involves a knife. Yes you, yes you there guessed right. It involves dying. Now, don’t go around and tell everybody I suggested swicide as part of your life changing solution. I’m not! I’m talking about killing that self “thing.” I don’t know about you, but it’s a lot easier if you personally perform the operation. It’s a lot more painful if another man or woman does the job with their SELF. See just imagine you get this great offer, deal “put here whatever moves your cheese.” On top of that you’d love to do it. It’s all nice and bright and then…YOU come in. You managed to screw it soo bad and made an ass of your SELF.
It’s not that you are stupid, ignorant or insensitive. You just can’t help it. The fight inside of you muddles the peaceful bright future you have and destroyed it ALL. The war that rages between your 2 years is real. You don’t believe me? Just stop! Go to a quiet place and listen. You will hear something like AK 47 doing a 100 rounds a minute. So I have a suggestion for you? Why don’t you take the war to the battle field. Yes, take that war that goes on the inside and give it a good whipping for the money.
What I’m trying to say symbolically is “fight your fight.” I mean literally take it and give it a good dose of correction. So how do you do that?Well you know the war is a war of thought. So you can try to change your thoughts or whatever the gurus are saying. I have a better idea SPEAK to the thoughts. Yes, (shovel piles of ear akin crap) speak to them and cross fight your words with these annoying thoughts.
See have you tried to speak loud, with passion and then have another thought during that time? Well it’s almost impossible. Your mouth ranting is stronger than any thoughts. I know this exact technique has worked many times against you. So why don’t you make it work for you? How many times you “said” the wrong thing and then it costs you? One or two, or two hundred. Now you could’ve, should’ve and wanted to stop your mouth, but it didn’t happen. You run your mouth like a broken record and made that painful situation. Well make that mouth now speak healing and success and whatever is the thing that you want to happen. Let it run and run and rant. Don’t worry about other people. Other people have their own fight. Go ahead and trump on these bad slippery thoughts “pun intended.” As Jesus said once “speak to your mountain.” Did you notice something “mouth” and “mountain” start with the same three letters. Well there is only one big loud contraption that can destroy your mountain. It’s your MOUTH. Use it deliberately!