Underground Weird But True Stories and Lies That Run Your Life!

in #business7 years ago

Stories are cool. I don’t know how many stories you’ve got, but my “stories”are nice short and funny. Now if that doesn’t crack you up, you need to check your pants get a smaller size. I mean, still not laughing? Sorry I can’t help you.
With my story or without you are a sad person. However you don’t have to remain SAD or “sorry ass d*ck.” You know Richard nothing more. If we could reach Richard and notify him of his name creating, so many spelling mistakes, well… he will change his name to Dick. Ok enough words play. A story is a story. The most liked communication method. You know a story is not hard to listen to. You remember it right away. If you have a story you are cool.
Stor-y is like you’ve got a store. You have a reservoir of something that keeps you going. You are a real person. You have a personality a spark a fire that is still burning inside. See your story is what keeps you going. It’s what keeps me going. I know there are a lot of projects goals, plans and targets…BUT it’s only ONE element that can move you and the audience emotionally.
The story. The story is something that is here to stay. Your story can move millions and even billions. The story is alive and is doing the work. In every heart the story strokes a different string. At a different note. That is the beauty of a story it can touch and touch and touch. So again what is your story? People don’t care about your idea, goals and desires, but they will be emotionally moved by your story. Your story will give you the rest. So what is your story?
Really your story is you. Your whole being and existence. It doesn’t lie and it’s not false. It is true and will bring you to your destination. If you don’t have a story, think again. You are a collection of your experiences and experiences others gave you. Your own interpretation of the word! You are unique and so is your story. Keep it like that. If you lose your story we lose you!
Now there is a story that runs all the time on your record player, you know in your head. That story sometimes is false, it’s killing you and is making you go mad. That record player needs to be turned off. Please make yourself and the rest of us a favor and kill it. Instead put in the new chip that contains your OLD victories and successes. These stories will help you move forward.
Your victories are true they are not fake. Fake is the voice in your head bothering you all the time. Keep telling about your victories and you will get more of it. Keep telling about your failures and you will get more of it. So which story will you chose? What destiny and destination will you create dependents only on the story you chose!