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RE: Buffet Rules of Investing Apply to ICO's, Too

in #business β€’ 6 years ago (edited)

I believe with this, anyone pondering on which company's ICO he or she wants to invest in should properly be cleared now.Nicely written @ascorphat πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

  1. invest in industries and companies that you understand.
  2. Only invest in companies that share your values.
  3. Only invest in companies that will solve an existing problem.
  4. Only invest in companies that have good leadership.

You have selected the best rules Warren buffet gave rather than "Never loose money". Taking a close look at simplyBrand, it is glaring the team values us and are its ready to solve our problems. While i was going through their whitepapper, i had no doubt that they know what they want to achieve.
Firstly, they took a deep look into the global e-commerce market as a whole considering the case of counterfeit product that has been a threat to the e-commerce market. Then they considered how this could be eliminated listing and explaining in details. I strongly believe this will be a great success.

@ascorphat you have just helped a brother out! Thanks πŸ˜€