Selling is at the heart of what you do as an internet marketer. If you have just started out, one of the first discoveries that you have likely learned is that it’s a lot harder than the pros make it look! This simple fact has made many drop out, saying it’s not for them.
While that’s understandable, it’s important to remember that just like anything else in life, salesmanship is a skill tht can be learned – and improved. One simple fact that many people forget is that they are already expert salesmen.
That might surprise you, but let me explain. When was the last time you got your kids to eat their veg successfully? Or persuaded someone to tell you a secret? Or haggled a price down at the market? Believe it or not, those are the signs of great salesmanship in action, even though you didn’t actually “sell” anything, you made some kind of profit.
The most important ingredient in all of these examples and countless more is you – and your likeability. Very few people – that includes you! – are going to buy stuff from someone that they just don’t like, especially when someone they do like is also offering it.
While you can’t win all the battles of personal favour, there are many tools at your disposal. You can negotiate – with your kid, that might involve the promise of a treat if they eat their nasty peas, and you can also listen to why they hate those nasty peas. Perhaps they just thoroughly hate the taste, the texture and everything else…. But if you switched out to sweetcorn in future, they’d take the hit on the nose this one time.
The moral of this story is simple: know your market and know what they want – and sales will come.
As a follower of @haccolong
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