8 Essential Tips For Effective Time Management.

in #business7 years ago (edited)

--De-Clutter and Organize:

Having an organized work a space that’s not riddled with clutter is key to managing time. Knowing exactly where to find the things you need during the work day not only cuts down on time required to complete tasks, but it also cuts down on stress.

We’ve all at some point suffered stress from not being able to locate needed items, and having to search to the nether regions until finally we find it. Sometimes not finding it until after we’ve already given up.

--Plan and Set Goals:

Setting Goals gives you a clear vision to focus your direction, and manage your time and resources to get there. By setting goals you’re able to identify what deserves your time, and what’s a distraction.

Short term, midterm, and long range goals are critical to your success. Personal and professional goals that are realistic, and achievable are a crucial step towards managing your time.


Rank your tasks in terms of priority, and align them with demands and goals doing the most important first. Ask these questions to know what tasks take first priority.

  • Why am I doing this task, or activity?
  • How does this help me achieve my goals?
  • To what extent does this help me achieve my goals?


--Keep A To Do List:

Keeping a list helps you keep organized on what needs to be done by priority. It tells you what needs to be done, and when. It’s a very effective reminder system.

Write down the things you need to do including meetings, appointments, and deadlines, and prioritze them in a simple daily, weekly, and monthly planner crossing off completed tasks as you go. Continue adding tasks as needed using different colored highlighters to denote urgent or important tasks, and review your list regularly during the day.

--Be Effective:

It’s not a race. Don’t try to be the most efficient, be the most effective. Schedule tasks, and focus on one task at a time following them all the way through to completion. High Quality work often times takes a little longer, but ultimately saves time because of completeness, and not having to unexpectedly revisit the issue later.

--Avoid Procrastinating:

Stay with your prioritized list. It’s easy to fall into the trap of taking on the easy tasks first, and push out the difficult ones. Stick to the plan.

Just getting started on a difficult but vital task is sometimes the hardest part. Ultimately you’ll find that once you get started, your creative juices start flowing, and you’ve just forced yourself to overcome procrastination.

--Delegate Tasks:

As your business grows granting authority and responsibility to qualified people will become necessary. That’s why building a quality team is very important, and delegating tasks can be a very helpful, and effective time managemet tool.

--Stay Organized:

Once you get organized, stay organized! It cannot be stressed enough how a well organized work space contributes to effective time management skills. It also fosters an organized thought process, and cuts down on distractions increasing effectiveness, and productivity.
I hope you found these Time Management Tips I compiled useful. If you have some tips you’d like to add to the list please feel free to include them in the comments section. I look forward to reading them. Thank you for taking the time to read my tips, and again, I look forward to your question, and comments below.


Improved Life Academy
