Dual jobs - the good and bad sides

in #business6 years ago

Quite a number of persons have varying reasons for having dual jobs. In some cases it may even be more than two jobs. If you happen to be in this category, what's your reason? Financial commitments may be one of the reasons why many consider having dual jobs. Aside making more money, there are many other benefits associated with it. Let's see some of them.

Having different jobs gives room for you to get experiences from different firms. These experiences builds a person to become better at what he does.

Learning a new skill.

It's never bad to increase your skills set. There are certain skills you may view aren't needed, but a different job may just need you to have those skills. Acquiring more skills increases the opportunities that may come your way. Experiences and skills helps to pimp your resumé.

Increasing network circle.

Network circle. When you get a in a big company you get to have a number of colleagues and clients, imagine moving from that company to another one - the circle increases. Whenever you decide to start your own company, you have a number of individuals to reach out to.

Having multiple jobs have both good and bad sides. I think it's fair we look at the bad side too.

A man stressed out in his workplace.

Increased stress level. Working 9-5 everyday is so stressful, then adding another job to that, that's stress ×2. It's like living two or more different lives and looking for a point of convergence. Giving your best to both could be really different, there'll always be preference though.

High blood pressure, heart problems these some ills stress may actuate on the long run. So it's best to know ones limit and avoid reaching your elastic point.

A pictorial illustration of having much work to be done.

Productivity could be affected too. While working in one job, your mind could on the other one. That will definitely affect your ability to focus. For productivity to be maximum, full dedication is needed.

Trying to strike a balance could be a challenge. You may not even know it, but you would be giving more attention to one job over another. It may not be deliberate, but could lead to bad results.

Time. You may have to give up some things you like doing, like hanging out with friends, clubbing or something else. Friends may not even understand the struggle, so it can eventually lead to conflicts.

If you are able to engage in multiple jobs, I doff my hart for you. My 9-5 internship is enough stress for me. Increasing the passive income flow would work great.

All images used are under Creative Commons CC0. Images are from http://pixabay.com unless otherwise stated.

Thanks for coming around :)



I love this
It is pertinent to diversify income and leveraging on skills too
Learning one or two skills comes handy often

Yeah, I talked about income in my previous post. It's tad difficult to do multiple jobs, probably why many prefer investments that yields passive income.

am I the only one who found it super useful ?
I'll start following you

Obviously not the best way to get started on steemit. Try to refrain from generic comments.

thanks but I'm not here for the money I just like the posts that they are here