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RE: Finding our passion

in #business7 years ago

What is passion?

Passion, in my own words, simply means finding your joi de vivre, that is, your spark. It could also mean finding what makes you tick and working in line with it.

In fact, Maya Angelou remarked one time, "When you do what you love, you will never work a day." Well, she was right. And i strongly believe she was talking about PASSION.

Albeit, i though, like many others, that passion really is overrated. Yes, passion is great, but there are times where what you are passionate about will not put food on your table. And a broke individuals ends up being a frustrated human, who then turns out to be a jerk and a crazy bully.

So, I'd say you know what your purpose is, then find something that would consolidate your purpose, and soon enough, what you do will turn to your passion.

Just my two cents though. You don't have to agree with it.

Thanks for sharing this with the community by the way.
