How To Overcome Procrastination As An Entrepreneur - Final Part

in #business4 years ago

Good day everyone! This is the fourth and final part of this interesting series, titled, How To Overcome Procrastination As An Entrepreneur. Procrastination is something we all suffer from. We want to eat our cake and still have it, it is totally impossible. We usually procrastinate because we have others things doing but the main reason why we mainly procrastinate, is because we scared of doing the task, so procrastinate and procrastinate, until we are fed up and face the consequences for our failure to do the task. We exhibit this when we want to read for an exam, or start an exercise routine, start a tedious work assignment and so on. So, how do we overcome this very bad habit? Read through this article to find out. In this article, I will be sharing with you one awesome way to overcome procrastination as an entrepreneur or worker.


Photo by Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash

Find Productive Reason To Engage In Task

To overcome procrastination, it's essential that you stay motivated for productive reason in order to achieve your goals which lead you to be positive and productive. These reasons are in contrast to engaging in a task out of fear of failing. When you are afraid of failing, you may not want to take risk or try new business ideas, delve into new area of the business, try new methods of doing business or take the necessary risks involve in learning new skills and reaching new business heights. Entrepreneur tends to procrastinate due to fear of taking risk or fear of failing. This fear might cause a major setback for business and limit the growth of business. You mustn't let fear of failure or risk taking make you unproductive. Release the fear of failure, know that failure is just a learning experience in the long run.


Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

A good way to put positive motive in motion is to set and focus on your goal. Identify and write down your own personal reasons for engaging in a task. then monitor your progress towards your goal using a goal setting chart. Example, write down all your task for the day or week. Break it down to your top 10 or top 5, depending on the number of tasks you have at hand. Further break it down to your top most important. Let your less important tasks lie dormant on a 'maybe list' that you can check on again in some day or week. Focus on the most important task first. Focus on what you want to do, not what you want to avoid. Think about the productive reasons for doing a task. Set positive concrete, meaningful learning and achievement goals for yourself. You can delete or delegate from your to-do-list, those things that don't relate to your top 3 - 5 goals. Just say bye bye and let someone else handle it and don't look back. This is important for better time management because with limited time, it is important to do only things that matter most, but not every single task at hand.


Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash

I hope you guys found the article quite interesting, if you do, kindly like and comment below. Thanks for reading through the article.

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This is a beautiful source of inspiration. Thanks for this piece @funmiblog I enjoyed reading it and it's really enriching.