Sell ebooks. Just guessing I'd say 90% of the work has already been done. Make e-books for sale on peer-hub and accept steem as payment.
Also CAD files, as you say, for 3D printers is an excellent idea. Perhaps contact some of the folks who are active in the field. I used to follow Thingverse before they became censors and banned anything to do with guns. They own their own site and can do as they please but I try to avoid Nazis when I can. So I dropped them from my feed reader. I'm sure there are others like them.
PeerHub is just SCREAMING for digital products. Get in on the ground floor. Be a pioneer.
hint: Amazon is going head to head with big retail (walmart etc) and kicking ass. Do you really want to compete with Amazon and try to sell. 'stuff'?Not saying that you shouldn't but face reality.
Thanks for the e-book idea. What subject matter and where would i get the articles n contents. You have the source?
I am not the best writer to produce my e-book content.
You don't have to provide the content. That's the whole idea of peer-hub isn't it? You just provide the store front and take care of the fiddely bits. (handle the financial transaction mostly.) Check out Amazon Kindle as an example, there are others. They have literally millions of titles that they receive for free. It doesn't cost amazon anything. They provide a marketplace, a digital store front for the author, take the money from the customer, and pay the author. Naturally Amazon takes a percentage for their trouble. 25% I the top. They pay the author three months later. The author takes care of almost everything else. It's actually a pretty good deal for authors (I have books there). I know of some authors who make tens of thousands of dollars...a month. Some few have become millionaires, just from selling their e-books on Amazon. The biggest problem for authors is gaining recognition. There are literally MILLIONS of authors competing .
THAT is where peer-hub has a potential niche. Sell e-books for steem.
It won't be easy I suspect but if you do so you'll have your own unique niche in the marketplace.
The same thing could be done for any other digital product. I'm pretty sure a lot of Steemians make music. Provide a market place for them to display their music.
Also podcasts, video's (a steem powered U-toob), various plans.
You might specialize in anthologies of steemit posts that have paid out past the second time. After 30 days have gone by the author of a post doesn't receive any money. If you provide a storefront for them to compile and post an anthology, that's more steem for everyone.
(whisper if the steem is never converted to USD does the IRS have any need to know about it? Does Second Life or any others like them have to tell the IRS anything? Just saying)
As luck would have it I have an e-book posted on Peer-hub already.
Ride the Lightning and The Yggdrasil Highway Saga. I'd LOVE to be able to take payment in Steem instead of Amazon referral as I do now.
The possibilities are endless. I wish you well.
Timeless content vs Timely Content
A golden opportunity for peer-hub just sitting there.
You can take advantage of it and perhaps save Steemit from going out of business, while at the same time boosting your business immensely.
Provide a Best of Steemit section. Sell for Steem.