IciRed: the company that helps you collect your debts very effectively

in #business6 years ago

It is a very uncomfortable situation when a company owes you money and the payment does not finish arriving. But now there is a solution to put pressure on the company or the self-employed debtor, and it is IciRed, the first online platform that helps you recover your money.

Photo: Internet.

How to recover my money? It is the question that many ask in situations of defaults and debts. IciRed is the card up your sleeve to force your debtors to pay every penny.

What does IciRed offer?

In addition to exerting pressure on the debtor, IciRed also offers the companies that hire it a financial history of those companies with which they intend to sign a contract.

In this way you can know if a company has debts with individuals, public or banking entities. This way you will be able to avoid making an employment link with an irresponsible firm that does not fulfill the promise.

The statistics suggest that 9 out of 10 companies in Spain have suffered the non-payment of a debt. The worst thing is that many times the default becomes eternal and the debtor never gets to fulfill his commitment.

One of the first instances to which the affected party goes is the courts. However, legal procedures are usually very slow and expensive. It can take up to a whole year since the claim is filed until sentence is passed, and the economic cost is usually around 3,000 and 5,000 euros.

Photo: Internet.

IciRed, the first online platform that helps you recover your money

The other problem is that you are not sure that the court's ruling will be in your favor and that you will eventually end up receiving the money that corresponds to you.

How does IciRed work?

The method used by IciRed to force the debtor to comply with its commitment is to publish the financial default in the Google search engine, which will tarnish its digital reputation and affect them to close future agreements.

But IciRed does not act without first preventing. The first thing they do is communicate with the company or self-debtor in a friendly way. They are informed of the situation and are invited to pay the arrears.

If that first warning does not get an answer, and after a second warning, they proceed to publish the debt on the Internet, which will appear very well positioned in Google.

It is a powerful dissuasive weapon, since it is not convenient for any company to have its digital history stained in that way. The debtor company will prefer to pay the payment and keep its reputation clean.

Thousands of people and companies have relied on the services of IciRed, which has managed to solve almost 80% of cases without having to reach the court.

Why hire IciRed?

If you want to recover the money they owe you, IciRed is a great option. The company offers one of the easiest and fastest mechanisms to solve these problems.

If you want to recover the money they owe you, IciRed is a great option

It will be much easier to contract the services of IciRed than to go to court. It is a more convenient way economically and faster.

IciRed is made up of a team of highly experienced professionals, including experts in the legal area, who will know which is the most expedited way to force compliance with the default.

Another benefit of opting for IciRed is that you are totally free of responsibility in the collection. It will be the legal team of the company that communicates with the debtor entity, using professional terms and techniques.

On many occasions, the debtor company decides to settle the default as soon as they receive the first warning from IciRed. On several occasions, the delinquent entity contacts the IciRed customer and they decide to pay the debt to prevent their digital reputation from being affected.

The first thing that a person or company does before making a contract with a company, is to check their history in the network, specifically in Google. For this reason, the IciRed pressure method is very effective.

If a firm has a cloudy history on the Internet, it will lose many job opportunities and contracts. It is important that society uses this type of services to continue unmasking the companies and self-employed who refuse to pay off their debts. With IciRed you can be sure that the debtor will finally want to settle accounts with you.