How do I get an Employer ID number(EIN) for my business? Here's how.

in #business7 years ago (edited)

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How do I get and Employer ID number for my business? Here's how.

Employer Identification Number(EIN)

An EIN is a 9 digit number assigned by the IRS. It is used to identify tax records and information of employers. They are used to file taxes and are also used for the creation of business accounts(e.g. Bank Accounts, Trade Lines, Credit Lines etc.) It is the business equivalent of the personal Tax Identification Number(TIN).

This number is used to make sure that your business is legitimate and that there are records of your company’s history. History of your business is one way to be able to apply for credit lines, we will go deeper into this as we create new blogs and articles.

How do I get and Employer ID number for my business? Here's how.

Fist make sure that you have your company's articles of incorporation/organization you will need the corporate/entity number assigned by your states Secretary of State. You will also need company address and contact info. They will also require for the personal info of the person applying.

  • Step #1: Visit the IRS website:
  • Step #2: Click on Employer ID Number(EIN)
  • Step #3: Click on Apply Online to begin the process.

After all of this has been completed you will receive an email with the company EIN paperwork. You might also get paperwork via mail depending on your state.

You now have an EIN for your business.

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How do I get an Employer Identification Number?
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We will cover these topics on this Account so please Follow and check back in with us for new content on these topics.

If you have any questions please leave it in the comments section.

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Thank you and a have a great day.