Great tips for networking. Next step, to get out there to put these ideas to work. The Business Network International (BNI) is a great platform for this. You can check out a meeting in your city to request to attend one of their meetings here
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Thanks @acdevan. Yes, I have a lot of my entrepreneurial friends are part of the local chapters in BNI and I personally think the giver's gain concept is good. However, the time commitment and the 6am rule can a bit restrictive though
In Singapore the meetings start at 0730h & end by 0900h. There are some chapters that have their meetings in the evenings. I was a member of the BNI Gateway chapter in Singapore for about 2 years. There are many things that I like about the BNI philosophy & process; but I left because I did not get suitable referrals for my trade.
Yeah, the referrals by and large depends on the quality of the members of that particular BNI chapter. Some unfortunately couldn't deliver despite being a member of the chapter for a long time, they didn't see the need to uphold their name and do a good job