Bushcraft: Fire Pit Rebuild

in #bushcraft7 years ago

This past weekend while working on my shelter at basecamp I decided to move the fire pit. The main reason for the rebuild was to center up the fire in relationship to the platform to aid in heating up the shelter. I also added a fire reflector.


I started by moving the hole itself. It only had to be moved about a foot. For the reflector, I sharpened four pieces of scrap pine to make it easier to drive them into the ground. Looking back at it, I should have charred the tips to help with rot.


After most of the stones were in place I started stacking pieces of pine for the cross section.


After finishing we started a fire to make dinner. Sitting on the platform you could definitely feel more heat. The reflector also aided with wind and smoke.


do you have a grate that you put over the fire, or a tripod? Wind can really be a stinker in camp. Being warm and cozy is always good. I have winter camped a few times and the fire is always very welcome. look forward to more of your posts from base camp

Yeah I do, I keep an grill plate there. Works really well considering it was free lol.

I like the price tag! some one elses trash can be somebody elses glory. Re cycle at it's finest