The Game of Life is “Piece of Cake”

in #buseinss7 years ago

Stunned, shocked and with no words left. That’s how I felt today after reading my email. Well like they say it’s not the worst, no one died…But…
It hurts and then it’s death. Now I know you think it’s very far from you and then it happens. Someone you know loses a loved one. Then you look at your “fill in the blank” problem. Now your problem doesn’t look even as a real big deal. The other persons loss is like a huge mountain and you just got a scratch on the back. Well what is then your worries about? NOTHING! As long as you have breath, you have hope. Hope to see the next sunrise, feel the wind in your hair, smell the morning coffee. I know it sounds surrealistic.
Whatever is happening to you right now is most likely for your good. Think about it! You go to different countries and see people not as affluent as you, but much happier. Do you think you can buy happiness? How much money or things you need in order to be happy? How many “fantastic” deals as some guy we know say you need to feel your self worth? I don’t think any amount of fanfare will make you happy. If you have not been out of your city stop right now! Yes you heard me. I give you permission to stop reading this article. Go on the first overseas flight you find and get out of your cave. I know a lot of people that have never even left their suburbs. If you are the one then first go downtown or to the next state and then go to the world. Well this whole mambo jambo probably got you confused by now.
Don’t be scared it’s just a game. The game of life. As in any game even card game the more you strategize and plan every play the better off you will be. And please don’t forget to sign off. Taking off is as import-ant as working Your but off. See your body and mind are a complex system. Your brain is very tricky. It is willing to work hard as long as you can see rewards. It’s willing to work even if the rewards are not at hand as long as it can see the rewards.
That’s why faith is so important. Your mind will sabotage you every step of the way if there is no hope for rewards. Still from time to time your brain will need to actually reap the benefits. I don’t know whatever works for you. Could be as little as a “piece of cake” after a certain job is accomplished. I don’t mean doing it is a piece of cake, but it needs to be done. Most of all STOP worrying. See Worries doesn’t even spell with an “A” which will make it warrior or something like that. It’s just an empty emotional state with no productivity involved. It leaves you empty and exhausted!