
There is another system in beta that @crypt0 mentioned some time back... worth looking into as rather than being a POC (Proof of capacity) it lends out your storage as a decentralized storage system which you get paid to hold and you can pay to have other's hold your data too...

Storjx :) Thanks for the shout, man. Still haven't gotten my payout, as apparantly the dev team runs the contract to pay out Storj around the beginning of the month- and I guess I haven't been running it over 30 days.

Thanks, knew you would have the answer, thought he would have to search through your videos. Hope the devs pull it together because it is a really neat idea.

Are you talking about Storj? I am already running that on multiple hard drives.
The problem with Storj for me is that I am going to have a data cap on my internet soon and Storj eats up quite a bit of data in my experience.

Yeah... fair enough... Burst probably your best option then... but bear in mind it will be harder on your drive than storj as it has to scan all sectors every 10 minutes or how ever often....

Yeah it really sucks I'll have to drop it, I really liked it.