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RE: Burning Man is a Satanic Illuminati ritual, mocks Christianity

in #burningman7 years ago (edited)

You're experiences are different from mine. But, from what you have got understand is this not everyone can do everything, not everyone has the means to go here and there everywhere. If you really watched the videos you will understand the meaning behind the event. So I'm to suggest to you that you check out A Call For An Uprising, Richie From Boston, and James Munder. My vocal range isn't that good anymore and I have a very hard time hearing, so how do you expect me to talk to anyone who won't listen. My experiences are different from yours and I have seen these type of people before who refuse to listen and feel whatever they are doing is nothing wrong and they call it a norm. I doubt you are going to listen, when you check the channels I mentioned and others, do you think they would have the means to put out videos live from the event? Majority of us won't have that kind of time because we have things going and some of us are able just to get buy. I'm not perfect and neither are you. My whole family are not awake, and friends are the same way. They have no clue and trying to get them to awake up is pointless because they brush it off as no big deal, when it really it when it affects you life. I can't believe you asked that question about Satanists running things, when it's an absolute fact, take a good look at the symbolism's on the Pope's crazy hat are Satanic symbolism, seen people's eye turn black, reptilian mode, etc. Been there the entire time. Heard of 1 Timothy 6:10 money is the root of all evil? As long it makes profit for the powers that shouldn't be that promote homosexuality, willful murder, depriving the widow and the orphan, and depriving of lost wages are four grave sins that the heavens call out for vengeance. I brought up the channels, I've passed along videos, other channels to look up are Titus Frost, who's on Steemit, the Honeybee, Chris Simpson, and Shoebat. Why do you think all of these people in higher ups are doing the 666 hand symbols, predictive programming and subliminal messages in films, tv, and live shows, back masking is taking messages and playing messages in reverse look up David Oates, founder of reverse speech. Whole point of reverse speech reveals person's true motive in subconscious level. The "Yes We Can" was Obama's motto when played backwards means "Thank you Satan!"
Again everyone does what they can, no one is perfect, but you still don't know that the All by Design, World's A Stage. I can't do what expect me to do, because no will listen to what I have to say, so coming on Steemit and Gab is my way of expressing, ok. Do you think that other channels also go out here and there meeting with this and that person when they report on this and that story? No they don't because they have their lives too and at the same time, they apply common sense with discernment. Each of these channels make videos and share articles as their way of reaching out to people on a grander scale than it would if you went to this and that location, repeat the same message all of the time is exhausting, best to put into a video, article too so people can review it at their convenience? Most don't have the means since not only travel is very expensive no matter what not just admission price, it's airlines, bus, train, etc. it's hotel stay, food and drinks, souvenirs, etc. that ranks into thousands of dollars there. Unless you have the means, no way you can speak to every single person in person. I suggest you watch and read what I've found months ago. I took the time to address to you despite what I deal with and caregiving too. You have to understand that we are living under Spiritual Warfare, not just flesh and blood, but forces of darkness. But calling me a "blanket dismissive than properly discerning." That's an insult to me when I apply common sense with discernment. I know that 9/11 was an inside job about US government to get us another Bankers War all for the PetroDollar (oil, gas), minerals, Protecting Poppy fields for opium/big pharma. Destabilization of the middle east was all by design for NWO Agenda. Check out the words of General Wesley Clark. Look up Bill Cooper, first true truther. Your experiences are different from mine. I suggest you check out what I sent to you. Look up Richard Bruce who has shown that Demons jump quickly in and out of people, as seen in film, tv, etc. I provided the link to his site too. No joke nor strings attached. Did you know that St. Catherine of Sienna over 600 years ago brought up how demons will play cupid's arrow, but when the action happens they leave. Thus confirming what Richard Bruce shows frame by frame. Since, no one will listen to me, I doubt you will really take the time of which I pass along, most will dismiss it, seen this time and time again, not the only one. Thanks for making me feel awful especially when dealing with a nasty cold, taking care of both parents who are sick too, really?

Heard of Donald Marshall Revolution at

5 Reasons Vatican run by Reptilians

5 Confessions by Malachi Martin #NWO

Have you heard of the Illuminati, The Federal Reserve, Trilateral Commission, Center For American Policy, American Enterprise Institute are financed by Richard Melton Scaife. CIA Operation Gladio. Counterjihad movement really used to impose Eugenics with Social Darwinism via Depopulation Agenda. I've passed along articles on that, real credit is by Shoebat.

RT NEWS REPTILIANS! (Russian News March 2013)

Demons: Occult Rituals Caught on Camera

Video around 5 min. mark through the 11 min. mark. Main Source Literature for the Modern Orthodox Jew is the Talmud, a collection of writings that were originally sent down orally. Theology of Orthodox Judaism comes from not only the Talmud but also Maimonidean Rationalism, Kabbalistic Mysticism, and Chassidic Philosophy.
Kabbalah is a mystical and cult form of Jewish thought and is the source of influence for many occult Practioners from Freemasons to the New Age Movement. Central literature found in the book called “The Zohar.”
According to Magic and Practices Volume 2, the 6-pointed star is called the Talisman of Saturn, also referred to as the Seal of Solomon. Solomon’s ring legend was made out of partly brass and iron. Brass part signed written good commandments to the good Genii and the Iron part his commandments the evil Genii or Devils. Solomon received 4 jewels from 4 different angels and set them in one ring, so he could control the four elements, which became known as the “Solomon seal” to the six-pointed star-like figure. Ten Sephirot or spheres and arranging it and placing on amulets.
Ezekiel 13:20 ISV states God’s warning on using Amulets. “Therefore, this is what the Lord God says, “Watch Out! I’m opposing your amulets with which you hunt souls as one would swat at a flying insect. I’ll tear them off your arms and then deliver those people, whom you’ve hunted like birds.”
Isaiah 47:12 NET states “Persist in trusting your amulets and your many incantations, which you have faithfully recited since your youth! Maybe you will be successful –maybe you will scare away disaster.”
Modern Zionists movement started by Rothschild family. Rothschilds (means red shield) former name was Bauer.
Rothschild received the Balfour Declaration in 1917.

THE DEEP STATE - 50 Year Old Recording Explains Why The World Is Going Crazy

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