
I was there in 2011 (temple of transition). Also had to cancel at the last minute in 2008 to go down to Vegas to take care of some tax business. Many said that 2011 was one of the less dusty years. It didn't rain at all and winds were relatively calm. I heard 2008 turned to mud. I camped at 2:30 and Hajj.

Looks like it's grown quite a bit since I've been there. Did you get a playa name? Mine was sola-gansta (because of my solar power setup).

I've been known as Skywalker for sometime, and it was taken up by some on the Playa as well, so I'm going with it.

It's a dream of mine to experience Burning Man, so I'm really glad to read this and about Camp Decentral. Must have been immense to meet and connect with all those people, and around that 5 year+ strong sacred fire too.

I went to a festival recently, here in the UK that also had a sacred fire going, and for the closing ceremony, we were all given a candle to light with the sacred fire, so we can all bring it home, symbolically of course. Manifesting for myself to be able to do that at the next Burning Man ;)

A UK steam trip one year maybe haha. What did you go to this year? 💯🐒

Very cool. :)

If you are supposed to be there, I think it will work out.

Good to hear from you Luke. The Burning man is one of those things many of my international friends seem to have done once and which I am yet to do myself.

So what was (or would have been) your super power?

Hey Fredrikaa. I talked about working with technology like blockchains and cryptocurrency to make networks more efficient than hierarchies, help people control their own value, and bring about new non-violent governance models with DACs and DAOs to shape the future for businesses, non-profits, and governments.

Welcome back, Luke! Sharing stories with amazing people by a 5 year old fire sound amazing. Lots has happened since HF 21 (22) and I love the new direction of Steem.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks Dan and thank you for all your Steem promotion I see on other networks. You're doing great work to spread the word!

I can’t wait to experience this. One day history will look at the attendees as the saviors of the free world.

Many don't view it that way now, but I think you may be right. We are creating a pattern for the future for voluntary human interaction.

Cool cell phone footage. Never been to burning man. That fire must have been a trip!

It was quite an experience tending something and helping others participate in a ritual ("giving an offering to the fire") that I myself didn't fully understand or even "believe" in (if that is such a thing). It stretched me outside some comfort zones and that's a big part of what Burning Man does.

Burning man sounds like the ultimate decentralized spiritual experience. I love the part about the fire... almost mystical.

There was a lot of almost mystical going on. :)

Amazing I have always wanted to go but it's a long way to go. One day I will 💯🐒

If you are meant to be there, you probably will. :)

I have wanted to go since I first head about it in the early 00's. My time will come I know 💯🐒

Looks incredible! The first part looks like a scene out of Mad Max. How many people were in attendance? It looks massive, but never crowded. Are they creating the little "twisters" that come out of the fire? How did they do that? Might have to put this event on my bucket list.

Awesome, I was sure what to expect but art was not one of them. Looks like quite an amazing experience to have at least once in a lifetime. That was just crazy the random dust devils showing up like that. Thanks for sharing the experience.

Yeah, there are many misunderstandings of what this event is about. It's a city filled with amazing aspects of humanity. In many ways, it's an art festival where humans are part of the art.