Lose bad weight easily and never gain it back

in #burnfat7 years ago (edited)

Losing bad weight – Embracing a combination of the western and eastern principles

We now come across the statement that proper nutrition is more crucial than exercise to lose weight and
become healthy, it is very true that we are what we eat. But we are flooded with information because of which
we don’t know what to choose and what to discard. Before you read any further let me say that this article
places a huge emphasis on Ayurvedic principles, a lot of this will sound like hocus pocus but let me reassure
you that these principles have been tried and tested over thousands of years and have also worked for me and
my fragile digestive system. I will not delve into the concepts too much, try them yourself and enjoy the

It is said in Ayurveda that we experience unhealthy weight loss or gain as a result of improper metabolism i.e.
the food we eat is not digested and assimilated properly in the body.

There are two terms that we will have to familiarize ourselves with

Agni- This is the digestive fire that ensures that the food we eat is digested and assimilated properly, it is
believed that stronger Agni results in stronger vitality and increased energy levels. We can roughly compare
this to the digestive juices secreted in our stomach for digestion.

Aama- These are sticky metabolic toxins that accumulate in our body over a period of time and are held
responsible for disease formation and the weakening of the immune system. This again is a because of
improper digestion.

So essentially what we should be doing is increase the Agni in our body and minimize the formation of Aama.

Start your day with lemon water – Drinking warm lemon water is a great way to start the day. Squeezing about
half a lemon into warm water helps remove toxins from the body and also to lubricate and activate the
digestive organs. Then there are the obvious benefits from the electrolytes and the high Vitamin-C content
such as improved nerve function and a fortified immune system. One might wonder that lemons are acidic,
yes they are but they leave an alkaline ash in the body on getting digested. Don’t eat or drink anything for the
next half an hour.
Apple Cider vinegar also gives the same benefits or perhaps even more. Mix 1 part of organic, cold pressed
apple cider vinegar with 3 parts of water. This is a great alkaline concoction. A great amount of bad weight can
be removed by drinking either of the above.

Eat when you eat, drink when you drink – It is believed that by drinking water along with our meals, we are
dousing the digestive fire in our system which of course is not a good idea. Certain modern day studies suggest
the contrary that drinking water actually helps the process. But personally I feel a lot better and less bloated
when I don’t mix water with food. Drink water either one hour before a meal, or warm water half an hour
after. This perhaps explains why the Chinese drink hot tea after a meal, to support the Agni and ensure optimal
absorption of nutrients from the food. Avoid cold water and cold drinks as much as possible for the above
stated reasons.

Leave a gap of 4 hours between meals – Frequent small meals they say? Yes it is good to have smaller meals
throughout the day to keep our bodies in an anabolic state. Wait for 3-4 hours before you eat next. By doing
this we are waiting for one load of food to pass onto the next stage of digestion so that the stomach does not
get confused between the existing batch of food and the next batch.

Have an early dinner – Digestive stress – Emotional stress is not the only form of stress, and it can even be
generated from the digestive system. This explains why we get cranky when gas accumulates in our stomach.
This is to say that psychological stress has its roots in physiological forms of stress. Have dinner early, good
food that is digested easily. Fruits and soups are great choices, you will sleep better and wake up the next
day feeling energized. Try having a heavy meal of maida noodles for dinner and see how you feel the next day,
most probably like an oversized sloth.

Virudh aahar – There are different types of virudh aahar. Foods have to be eaten in the right combinations. For
instance it is not a good idea to have ice cream immediately after a meal. Fish and curd is supposedly a toxic
combination and so is honey in hot water (hot not warm). Eating fruits immediately before or after a meal is a
waste as they remain undigested and the nutrients are not absorbed wholly.

Eat food in its most natural form – Organic food is the best for obvious reasons. We don’t want to be feeding
our future generations poison. Pesticides, Insecticides and genetically modified foods are a curse to the whole
of mankind. They have been linked to numerous disorders which include poor motor skills and memory in
children and adults too. Be a part of a global movement and start growing your own fruits and vegetables in
your backyard or balcony today. It is better to spend on this than on carbonated drinks and processed foods,
and this will certainly work out cheaper than your medical bills in the future.

Protein – This is one of the biggest myths and marketing propaganda of the 21 st century. Yes we do need protein, but not necessarily in exorbitant amounts. More than how much we eat, what matters is how efficiently we can digest the food source and assimilate the protein. It also matters how efficiently we can eliminate toxins from the body because hard to digest protein(especially meat sources other than fish) tend to produce quite some amount of it. This wouldn't matter much if you have a strong digestive system but i wouldn't still recommend that you take it for granted. Complete amino acid profiles can be derived from vegetarian sources too. They are easier to
digest and far less acidic compared to meat. Body builders surely will need a lot more protein, but that won't be the case for the average man. Look for sources that are easy on your stomach(well this isn't for people with strong digestive systems). I am not talking about about giving up meat completely. Vegetarian food in general integrate into our systems easily. Fish is a great source of non vegetarian protein. If you really have to eat meat other than fish, it is advisable not to do so at night time. That's when our digestion is not at its peak.

Know your body – Eat the food that suits your body type, be aware of what is happening to you after each
meal. Just because your friend can gorge down 2 grilled chickens and be perfectly fine after, that might not
work out for you. This can be done only on a trial and error basis, constantly experiment and prepare a list of
foods that make you feel good and healthy. Try reading up on blood group diets but again these are just
guidelines. You have to find out what works for you the most.

Vajrasana – Vajrasana is the only asana that is safe to perform immediately after a meal, and yes Shavasana
also. Sitting in this pose reduces the blood supply to the legs and there is more blood in the thoracic cavity and
head regions, thereby accelerating the digestion and absorption process. The next time your tummy feels
bloated of uneasy, try this asana.

Focus on your eating – Concentrate and focus while eating. Watching tv, reading, talking over the phone, etc.
turns the attention of the body away from the digestion process. Relax and enjoy your meals while being
grateful for the food received.

Eat your liquids and drink your solids – Chewing is a crucial step in digestion. By breaking down the food
properly by chewing our food well, we are reducing the stress on the digestive system. Nutrients get absorbed
better too. Make sure to keep your mouth closed when you chew. Keeping it open can dry up the salivary juices which are crucial in digestion.

Eat only when you are hungry –There is no compulsion to stuff food down our throats when we aren’t hungry,
and very often, thirst is misinterpreted as hunger.

Do not shower immediately after a meal – This is because, taking a shower redirects blood flow to all the parts
of the body which is not desirable after a meal. The visceral organs will require the blood supply the most after
a meal. This is also the reason why we shouldn’t walk fast or workout immediately after a meal because the blood supply to the legs will increase. Slow and calming walks are fine. Vibration.jpg