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RE: Discovering myself

in #bumpers7 years ago

A note to the ones who are complaining about the blogging CEO of Steemit: You should always be your first customer. And that he just did.

Bumpers. I guess we all have bumpers that can hit you like a container full of rocks. I have been a bouncing ball with PMS that just stopped bouncing not too long ago.

1.0 No brakes.
When I commit to something, I have no breaks. It's like diving into something and holding my breath longer than I should. Ended up drowning myself.

A solution for me: be aware of how much your time is worth and realise you can only spend it once.

2.0 Side-tracking
My brain has no clear map on how to lead a conversation in the right or easiest direction. Instead, when I get really overwhelmed by enthusiasm or passion, my brain simply decides to go full-in-depth about a smaller side-topic, getting back to the main topic when people maybe already have forgotten the main topic. Which makes it sometimes too hard to keep up.

A solution for me was to not share everything that I wanted to share. Instead listen more closely, and reply to the things that actually mattered.

3.0 Valuing myself less.
Everything is fine, everything is good, I don't care, bla bla bla. I always have thought that if someone is screaming for it, they should and could have it. I never understood the fact that when I wasn't screaming I wouldn't be less eligible to have it as well. Maybe too scared to have an ego. Like: "Hey, I want this, let me have it instead of you" is something that is still a huge trigger/bumper. Why would I value myself higher than the other? Do I really want it? What makes me earn it more than the other? And some more questions that ended up with arguing with myself, realizing it's just a waste of time to discuss it with myself.

Solution? Life is so damn short, and be a little bit more selfish.

Obviously, there are more, but it would become a blog post instead of a comment.


Time can only be spent once, fuck the bumpers and accept the success, failure or lesson you get out of it.