How to setup and install a Bulwark Masternode on a VPS with a Windows cold wallet.
Things Needed:
VPS From Vultr (5$ Vps perfect . You can add more than 1 masternode on there. (Not the same masternode tho) :
5000 Tokens from Cryptopia :
Putty: ( Putty Windows users, Terminal for Mac )
Step 1: Download the wallet
Step 2: Generate your Masternode Private Key
In your wallet, open Tools -> Debug console and run the following command:
masternode genkey
View your Output (Also in the Debug console):
masternode outputs
Now write that down and lets move over to the VPS.
Step 3: Setup daemon on VPS
Once you have created and launched your masternode VPS, login as root and create a new user using putty. The login details for your root will be emailed too you once you created the server with Vultr.
First lets install git:
apt-get -y install git
Then clone the Github repository.
git clone
go to folder
cd Bulwark-MN-Install
Step 4: Install & configure Node
When the script asks, input your VPS IP Address and Private Key
If you're asked at any point Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
press Enter.
If you get the following message, press Enter:
No longer supports precise, due to its ancient gcc and Boost versions.
More info:
Press [ENTER] to continue or ctrl-c to cancel adding it
Once done, the VPS will ask you to go start your masternode in the local wallet
In appdata/roaming/Bulwark, open up masternode.conf
Insert as a new line the following:
masternodename ipaddress:52543 masternodeprivatekey collateralTxID outputID
mn1 93HaYBVUCYjEMeeH1Y4sBGLALQZE1Yc1K64xiqgX37tGBDQL8Xg 2bcd3c84c84f87eaa86e4e56834c92927a07f9e18718810b92e0d0324456a67c 0
masternodename is a name you choose, ipaddress is the public IP of your VPS, masternodeprivatekey is the output from masternode genkey
, and collateralTxID & outputID come from masternode outputs
. Please note that masternodename must not contain any spaces, and should not contain any special characters.
Open up the local wallet, unlock with your encryption password, and open up the Debug Console
startmasternode alias false masternodename
If done correctly, it will indicate that the masternode has been started correctly. Now wait for VPS to sync up with the blockchain.
If you need more help Join us at :
Thanks cliff, I really like your videos. Your channel was one of the reasons I got more into staking and masternodes.
You welcome and thank you!
Love your posts Cliff, always so helpful.
Wonder which Masternode or nodes you would recomend for someone who is looking to spend around $2,500?
Great quality, as always. Thanks! Upvoted.