Bulgarian Lefty Meltdown

in #bulgaria6 years ago (edited)

Oh well, it didn't take very long to trigger my first lefty here on STEEMIT/BUSY. And it happened to be a Bulgarian lefty, of all things.

A predictable pattern.

In my comments I condemn Communism for what it is, I don't say A SINGLE WORD to the guy personally to offend him, but he goes into a tailspin, screaming like a little girl, begging me to get away from him?!?! If I was one of them superstitious religious people I might have thought this guy begging me to leave him alone eerily reminds me of the saying "like a devil runs from incense" but since I'm not religious and I know the devil could care less about incense, candles, etc., I'm left with the only other assumption to make - the guys is a cultural Marxist, possibly with relatives who had ties with the Communists in the past.

Below is the exchange in all it's "glory".

You can see how triggered and hysterical the guy turns (from intellectually "nicey") once I make my comments about Communism being evil.

Here it is, for your amusement. Or just read it from the screenshot below. Bulgarian lefties meltdowns are my favorite, I have to say!

Few other thoughts along these lines...Sadly, many Bulgarians are ignorant of the evils of Communism. Most of the time, ordinary people who are open minded and intellectually honest, are open to learn. Based on my experience, whenever there is a virulent response like the one you see here, it usually points to the person getting defensive about Bulgaria's Communist past due to some entanglement and/or dependencies this person has or has had with the Communist regime.

Consider this - over 300 000 'ordinary' people were recruited by some 25 000 agents who were on payroll at the feared "State Security" in Communist Bulgaria between 1945-1989. This whole KGB train apparatus spied directly on over 2 MILLION PEOPLE. Many of the archives of the Communist system of terror were declassified in the last 30 years, but many have not been and many have disappeared.

Bulgaria is still operating under the influence of former DS-KGB functionaries who are now posing as government officials, journalists and business executives. The cancer has metastasized on all levels of society and it has been systematically sabotaging Bulgaria's progress and clean break up with the Communist past.

And this, Mr. "Irreverant Dan" and all other triggered lefties, is the HONEST TO GOD TRUTH, whether you believe in God or not!

irreverant dan meltdown.png