Who recently destroyed the economy? If you listen to the government politicians and the mainstream media, at least a certain portion of the mainstream media that might be more delusional, they will blame a virus.
They will tell you, with a serious face, that a virus is what caused an economic crisis. It wasn't the government that force people to shut down their businesses under threat of severe financial penalties, or even arrest and imprisonment. No no, the government is just a benevolent caretaker responding to the threat of the worst virus since the 1918 Kansas flu. Or even the worst thing since the black plague, as far as some hysterical people are concerned.
But the data doesn't support the assertions that it was anywhere near as bad as any previous flu epidemic or pandemic, and certainly nowhere near something like the black plague. But the fear porn became such a central part of the narrative in 2020 that many people still believe that to this day.
The deception, the orchestrated deception, put out by government and mainstream media propaganda is demonstratably false, yet they've never backpedaled to publicly admit how wrong they were about the threat. They are still selling the threat. For to do otherwise would be either to tacitly and implicitly admit that their actions were egregiously over exaggerated. I would certainly not expect them to explicitly state how badly they handled an alleged crisis that was actually a noncrisis.
With the government mandated economic crisis, it wasn't only the immediate economic suffering imposed on people around the world, but the subsequent aftereffects of supply chain issues due to such business downtimes. We are seeing this manifest now and for the foreseeable future.
As Klaus Schwab from the World Economic Forum and others have said, the pandemic (or actually the planned execution of a pandemic and the subsequent government imposed actions) present a wonderful opportunity to change the world as they see fit. The WEF slogan is to build back better.
Bill back better is a phrase that has been used repeatedly by many politicians and heads of organizations around the world. It's not a coincidence that they all use the same phrase. This was part of a propaganda effort. It makes them seem like they are actually caring and going to make the world a better place. But if you look into what they're trying to do as part of this plan from the WEF, it's about a new world of stakeholder capitalism where the ultrarich manage and control the world's resources and therefore the world itself.
So this is the direction we are headed in as country after country get in line with this agenda. The United States is certainly appearing to be at the forefront of this effort with Pres. Biden's use of the phrase during the elections, and now with the policy plan explicitly named build back better.
The build back better policy has been passed by House Democrats, obviously. But since the Senate isn't as controlled by Democrats, there might be some hope that this won't be passed.
At least that's a faint hope to stifle their plans. But I'm not too certain that it will happen. Many of the Republicans in the false two-party paradigm also side with many of the oppositions agendas. I don't see the bill back better plan feeling at all. It's only a matter of time until they get what they want because all politicians are untrustworthy and essentially corrupt by the nature of the institution of government itself.
In the end, unless people themselves oppose what is happening, the whole structure of society everywhere on the planet will be redefined in terms of the ultrarich getting to control everything under the guise that they actually care and will make things better for everyone on the planet. They are only going to impoverish everyone even more as they seek to technique radically control everything and manage every minute of your life through digital identity passports, bio security apparatuses, and central banking digital currencies.