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RE: Buildawhale Curation Digest 11/17/17

in #buildawhale7 years ago (edited)

Post does not exist, also our minimum bid is 1 SBD, so we wouldn't vote on something at 0.500 SBD.

Post was too old and could not be voted on.
I confirmed this in our logs as the post was a long time ago.

Can vote: false (slug: @zhasmin/potyagushki-good-morning); hours remaining: 8.0

Steemit won't allow any voting (for monetary gain) in the last 12 hours (any time after 6 days 12 hours).

We recommend not to submit anything to us past 6 days 8 hours but we will actually all the way up to 6 days 11 hours. Many bots don't allow votes past 5 days to prevent this completely.


YA ob etom zhe i pishu, ya otpravlyala vovremya, a vy ne progolosovali, ya vam pisala, otpravlyala pis'ma cherez koshelek , prosila libo vernut' den'gi, libo progolosovat' za drugiye moi posty. Vy nikak ne reagiruyte. Mne podskazali napisat' v kommentariyakh vam, chtoby vy nakonets-to uvideli moi obrashcheniya. Mozhete ne vozvrashchat', togda progolosuyte za 2 moikh segodnyashnikh poslednikh posta.
I write about it the same way, I sent it on time, but you did not vote, I wrote to you, I sent letters through the purse, I asked for money back, or for voting for my other posts. You do not react at all. I was told to write in the comments to you so that you finally saw my messages. Can not return, then vote for 2 of my today's last post.

I did respond.

Sending wallet messages are not a good idea, they get lost very easily. All the posts you refer to were too old, or not reaching our minimum bid. In fact, I sent you some refunds when we were doing refunds.

We don't send refunds on user error anymore.