Theres a chance I wont finish this epic post on the day intended 😝
Today was the worst day so far of the trip.
Days like today give me the feeling that being in that bubble of false realitys and freedom, feels so cosy. (just for a split second, and thenI smile!)
I set off around 8am, and very shortly after, a few kms up the road, I was passed by a Guardia Civil in slow moving traffic, of which the passenger (who obviously had another sexless night and an argument with thier wife) decided to start screming at me "Get of the road with the dogs!! Get off!!
Every country I am in, I do speak and understand the language well, but I will never speak to the mafia in the language, and always pretend I have no clue what they say - which by the way, is Power!
Whilst riding I was saying "What, What?" until he managed to say it in English but ofcourse by this time he was even more mad 👍 I love it.
After I stopped because there was no where else to ride a bike, not even a pavement and when I said "Where should I go then",
He then said that if he "saw me on the road (in spanish), that he would throw me in jail and get the dogs put down!"
They drove off after making sure I went downa side road, but this mad me get angry and kickstarted the bad energys at 8.10am, also when I left the place I slept lastnight, it was already very strong winds and light rain. I mananaged to find the main road again after stopping accidently right by a micro-police station which obviously attracted attention, it looked more like an appartment block and I thought the cars where just empty on the street🤣
Within seconds there was 6 of them stood at the front entrance and told me "Not to cross the line" as they all put on masks (this was like 20mins after the first meeting on the road with the pigs in the car, if that.)
Ha. Thats why we call them 'Gavers' because they form groups quickly.
Then another said "Where are you going" and after a short while one spoke english after I gave some really bad spanish for them. One was translating the others questions, "Where are you going" "Where Do You Live", I told them I was going south and when he asked again where I live, I just patted my hand on the rucksack.
He said to the others that "He live's on the street" and one then pretty much called me a c*nt in a quick response. Another then shouted, "Well go, go get away!"
It was hilerious, the last one to say something, the skinny newbie at my guess, said "But what about the dogs on the road" - and the others ignored him hahaha..
All day I had the roads pritty much to myself.. oh yeh I tried taking a pic of them all lined up there looking like twats but as I did so a car passed and so did the correct moment whilst I was holding my phone as if looking for signal 😝
After confirming I was near to joining the main road again I stopped at the next gasstation to get a coffee. I rested the bike and got the coffee, rolled a ciggy and walked off to smoke it. A few minutes later I hear a struggle and see the guy from the register trying to upright the loaded bike, which is pretty much impossible as its so heavy.
I went ovver and he started to flip out whilst struggling with it and I took it off him and asked what he was doing, he wanted to get bottles of gas out for a customer(oh yeh its apocolyse time in the bubble) and after getting angry with me, I started to use some spanish haha. Idiot, he should askto move something belonging to someone else, just helrious he had no clue its heavy as fuck!
Shit coffee, a wet ciggy, a shit morning and no spliffs for days..
After rearraging and tying the rucksack ect back on the bike, it was the same road still to Castello.
The roads were dead, just forgein campervans fleeing and trucks taking good to supermarkets.
The rain had got much worse and as I passed a hotel I stopped to sit under the roof to make a ciggy and notice that my sleeping bag was quiet wet as the bag it is in had split. Another Guardia car came in to the carpark and inspected me. Literally, went back and forth, stopping starting and then after not getting out the car, they left.
I stopped at another gasstaion, any ones with a carrefour expressbuilt into them, has food every day from the day or 2 before, even in an apocolyse scenario, which it pritty much is here,you ate able to dumpsterdive..
No need to buy anything, I actually took too much and this was further up the road selecting what to take and leaving the rest.
After a while
It stopped raing and it was nice, the road to myself and until the last part it was all flat
straight roman roads. Covered 75km today and am fucking tired, felt so fucked earler and couldnt ride uphill, and my breaks dont work so I couldnt go downhill either. I chose to take the last part 17kmto Castello Via the scenic costal road through a place called Benacessin.
That sure was an interesting day.
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Wait until part two, it gets evenmore so! but theres been no sun today so maybe it wont get posted 😝
Dude, you are an inspiration! Keep it up and stay smart and safe.
Haha, thanks! Anyone can do it, im not superhuman 😀 Ill start to write part two now whilst im chillin and its fresh in the head
You like Man Max from movie! Good luck and be careful!
From what Im hearing and what thecradio says, I might end up making my own squat but one with food growing 😝👍
This is not goung to be a two week thing like the media says..
Our border is also closed. I hope that the border will be opened before May.

The festival I was supposed to go to was postponed indefinitely. It's buulshit. But I still want to leave.
So far I play the guitar on the street with this poster.
The inscription translates as:
Music Against Coronavirus
Positive vibrations.