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RE: Hiring 1 Developer to Build a P2P Steem/USD Gateway!

in #budget7 years ago

Because OF you I have decided to Join Steem... I feel bummed out because I feel that my very first post (this one) may be seen as a negative...
Oh well here goes..
I just joined steem but have not set anything up yet.. Basically pissed at YT..
Anyways. You just can't blow off regulations, AT least as far as the USA goes. By not opening a legit exchange, then you set up the individuals to break laws. which may or may not get them in deep crap with the IRS or maybe even arrested.
#2 if you set up the platform and some one gets ripped off, then they could sue steem because Steem was the platform that brought them together to do the transaction in the first place

3 you have to have an escrow account for people to put funds and Steem into. Just because you have trust factors is not enough.

#4 why would you blow off a great developer to hire a mediocre guy just because the mediocre guy is a witness???
#5 I would advise you don't pay by the month but buy the project.
Anyways its a great idea and would be a great addition.
You may be able to have robin hood and Gemini take on a term and be way ahead... Hope it all works out for you.
I watch your vids a lot so hopefully when I get going on Steem/DTube your info would have made it less painless...


There is already a tool to handle escrow transactions but it seems that people have forgotten about it:

@g755 thank you for making your first comment here! I hear you and will keep in mind what you said. What we are creating is based on trust which will have different benefits and limitations than existing exchanges. When combined with existing changes, we will have a system anyone can use to get involved in crypto!