Hello scarlett lovers,it's been a long time coming, we have been struggling with iglow for a long time and we are finally open for business,we have already had our first clients, i am happy that there is progress.
Another amazing change with iglow is that it was conceived with the aim of being a makeup venture but we have dropped that part and we now give a completely different package, but it still has to do with beauty. We offer lashlift treatment to our clients.
Lashlift treatment is a treatment that helps to lift the natural lashes of a person to stay straight and long ,it is a fantastic treatment and its for both men and women.
You can see more of our work on instagram @iglowmakeover to book an appointment for Nigerians, well cause i am not capable of travelling out for now,lol😹😹,but everyone can follow me @iglowmakeover, and see what i can ,you can also call 08100603862 to book too.
Ill be expecting you guys,thanks for the support.