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RE: Buckinghamia - The ivory Curl Flower.

in #buckinghamia7 years ago

How To Grow Buckinghamia

Originally from the tropical rainforests of eastern Queensland they are surprisingly adaptable and will even grow in areas with light frosts provided they are in a sheltered position.

Ivory curl trees can tolerate a wide range of soils but will benefit from good drainage with plenty of organic matter mixed in. The richer the soil the faster the growth. Plant in full sun to part shade and maintain moisture levels until well established. After this they are quite dry tolerant.

Actual tree height will be determined by your climate. In warmer regions they reach 6 to 8 metres (or even higher) but as the temperature drops, so does the height of the tree. This means in places like Sydney or Melbourne the ivory curl tree is more of a large shrub than a real tree.

Plants usually flower after 2-3 years.

To speed the growth of young plants apply eco-seaweed and eco-aminogro every 2-4 weeks during the warmer months. Established trees can be fertilise in spring and autumn with a Certified Organic pelletised fertiliser.

Trees usually develop into a nice shape naturally with little pruning required. Pruning can be done to restrict their height if necessary and spent flower heads can be trimmed off if they bother you.

Pests and Diseases of Ivory Curl Trees
Ivory curl trees seldom suffer from pests and diseases but occasionally scale, aphids and mites may attack. Control with a couple of sprays of eco-oil. image image image
