If you tell your wife that you are going to begin flattering her for the sake of better relations you will not have better relations. Flattery can never be admitted to if it is to have the intended effect. The flattery for the sake of better relations may well be understood for what it is, an overly positive description meant to endear oneself, and still succeed and still endear the flatterer. But if the flatterer ever admits his purpose and method his purpose is thwarted his method ruined. This is an iron law, the flatterer may never admit to his method and purpose. This rule applies to all attempts to change the world through intentionally inaccurate descriptions, whether the descriptions are flattery or condemnation, whether the descriptions are inaccurately positive or negative. This is an iron law, all attempts to provide conscious inputs into the regard structure to overwrite the unconscious inputs from observing reality are failures if admitted too.
Acknowledgement explodes the system. To ever admit to the existence of the regard structure explodes the regard structure. To admit to the existence of the natural system explodes the natural system. To admit to the existence of intentionally inaccurate descriptions explodes the existence of intentionally inaccurate descriptions. If you tell your wife that you are going to begin flattering her for the sake of better relations you will not have better relations. A single acknowledgement explodes the system of intentionally inaccurate descriptions. The natural system has existed from the start of man to the present. The natural system explodes the moment it is acknowledged. Any acknowledgement explodes the system of regard and this system has only lasted for tens if not hundreds of thousands of years due to tens if not hundreds of thousands of years of unacknowledgement. A vast silence across the entire human race is necessary for the continued existence of intentionally inaccurate descriptions. This vast silence exists and has always existed, the natural system has existed without interruption to the present. It will continue as long as the vast silence exists, it will be exploded by acknowledgement.
In a world where all wealth comes from nature and man is amethodical the only cause of success is regard. The many will always defeat the few or the one, the group is the method and the group is held together by belief in its future success, its regard, and so the method is regard. And regard is controlled, changed, adjusted, manipulated through intentionally inaccurate descriptions. And so the method is intentionally inaccurate description and all intentionally inaccurate descriptions are voided by admission. Admission, acknowledgement, explodes the system and does so permanently and overwhelmingly. The entire natural system is voided by a single admission.
To acknowledge one is intentionally inaccurately describing the world in inaccurate terms voids all of ones inaccurate descriptions. It also voids the need for inaccurate descriptions. If one person can do things directly without assistance from intentionally inaccurate descriptions then all can. If one can be conscious of accurate descriptions and consciously construct inaccurate descriptions for the purpose of reaching one’s goals than one can achieve one’s goal with accurate descriptions. If one has the ability to consciously choose to formulate and inaccurate description for the purpose of reaching a goal then one has the agency to work for one’s goal without inaccurate descriptions. To even admit to the creation of inaccurate descriptions is to admit to their being unnecessary. And what can be done by one can be done by all. If one can work towards goals without inaccurate descriptions then all can. A single admission explodes the system, and yet the system exists worldwide for a seeming eternity.
To debate the natural system is like playing tennis against yourself. You have to sprint across to the other side and send the ball back and sprint again to the other side. A single admission explodes the system and so no advocate of the natural system will make this admission. Any debate against the natural system is playing tennis by yourself, you have to play both parts. Any conversation, any discussion of merits, any examination becomes playing tennis against yourself. No advocate of intentional inaccuracies will admit he is an advocate of intentional inaccuracies. A single admission makes all intentionally inaccurate descriptions void. The normal fashion of intellectual exchange is not possible when the subject is the value of intentionally inaccurate descriptions is the subject. No debate, no conversation, no discussion of merits. The normal fashion of intellectual exchange fails when discussing the natural system. The system cannot be debated, its merits discussed. The natural system can only be exploded.