Gladly, I was one of your first investors here at the Hive.
Im seriously wanting to use the bridge/portal, sell a few BBD and then do an article about how well we've done, Mike!
I'd love to see you make Billions just to prove the haters Wrong. Which you have proven already, but some only see success when they are choking on your exhaust 😹😹
Gladly, I was one of your first investors here at the Hive.
Im seriously wanting to use the bridge/portal, sell a few BBD and then do an article about how well we've done, Mike!
I'd love to see you make Billions just to prove the haters Wrong. Which you have proven already, but some only see success when they are choking on your exhaust 😹😹
I see your unseen comment, hidden by a sh*t whale 🐋
My votes never show, I'll prolly remove the auto votes since they are wasted anyway.