giordano bruno

in #bruno2 years ago

Bruno's biography
Bruno was born at the beginning of 1548 in the town of Nola, not far from Naples. At baptism he was given the name Philippe. His father, Giovanni Bruno, a poor nobleman, served in the troops of the Neapolitan Viceroy. Bruno received his early education at a local Latin school. In 1562, he listened to lectures in Naples by professors of the local university. Lacking the means to continue his education as a student, he entered the Dominican Order (1565) and received the monastic name of Giordano. The skeptical attitude of the young monk towards certain aspects of the Catholic cult attracted the wary attention of the church authorities, and his bold statements, in which he expressed doubt in the dogma of the Trinity, led to an inquisitorial investigation. After escaping to Rome in a hopeless attempt to get acquittal, Bruno in 1576 threw off his monastic vestments and, after wandering around the cities of northern Italy for about two years, fled to Calvinist Geneva, which was then one of the centers of religious Italian emigration. But speeches at disputes and an attempt to publish a pamphlet criticizing the lectures of the professor of philosophy and the most influential figure in the Calvinist community A. Delafé ended with Bruno's excommunication, and after a short prison sentence, he leaves for France. There he first taught at the University of Toulouse, but after the strengthening of the Catholic reaction in the south of France, he moved to Paris (1581), where he read an extraordinary course of lectures on philosophy and published his first books - the treatise On the Shadows of Ideas, the comedy Candlestick